Your inability to read is not my problem. Maybe read back your own comments and then mine to see that your the one lying to yourself, but that would require the abilty to reflect on your own decisions, mistakes and such, you seem to be lacking on that department.
No i said in less and more words that i think the general line that seems to be here whatever Hamas says(usually via proxies like the PLA or UN can pretent presented number actually mean something) is a taken as a fact and whatever isreal says is questioned and yes i do see that as supporting Hamas because that is what you're volumtarly or not are doing. If you biased terrorist supplied information moer as whatever the state of isreal supplies. (i think both should be treated with caution to be honest, as both parties have a history of making up numbers in their favour. But Hamas just a whole lot more.
Also it's concerning nobody talks about the reason for this conflict now and that is the UN amongst others lacking earlier but i understand you will qoute that post 20 times to add some swear words because dealing with reality isn't one of your strong points is it?