Israel / Palestine

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Well-Known Member
It was a joke, you pillock. The idea that the US doesn't know what Israel is doing is self-evidently idiotic. One of the many good reasons not to get sucked in by antisemitic conspiracy theories is that it is not Israel that controls the US, but US power that enables and sustains Israel.

It was a joke you pillock?

Yes, very intellectual debating skills there.

I bow to you clearly superior intellectual ability


Elder Goth
Before the audience vote arrived Eurovision tended towards corruption, now it tends towards identity voting.

Meh, to be honest I've always thought that the allegations of corruption are one of those things that are usually just from folk who are sore their country didn't do well.

Terry Wogan's chat about bloc voting cemented the idea in Britain and people took that as Europe snubbing us, but the reality is that with a few outliers, our entries have been garbage over the years.

Anyway, it looks like the US might actually come out and do something decisive about Israel considering some of the things I've read over the weekend. It's not like Biden has anything to lose and it would be quite a statement to go out on if he decided to end US support.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Meh, to be honest I've always thought that the allegations of corruption are one of those things that are usually just from folk who are sore their country didn't do well.

Terry Wogan's chat about bloc voting cemented the idea in Britain and people took that as Europe snubbing us, but the reality is that with a few outliers, our entries have been garbage over the years.

There's never any banter between nations on any other occasions I can think of.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Although I do think the India Pakistan border crossing dance-off is a better example of historical animosity between nations being reenacted through big camp spectacle.
'Hagari also said that Israeli forces operating in Zeitoun, had killed about 30 Palestinian militants. There was no immediate independent confirmation of the claim, nor of reports from local health officials of numerous civilian casualties.'

Am I right in thinking the Guardian reporting is a bit lacking in integrity?
Why because they don't say ''genocide'' 20 times? Because they don't repeat Hamas lies in this article? Seems to me that they try to report objectively but maybe that's the problem for people like you.

Meh, to be honest I've always thought that the allegations of corruption are one of those things that are usually just from folk who are sore their country didn't do well.

Terry Wogan's chat about bloc voting cemented the idea in Britain and people took that as Europe snubbing us, but the reality is that with a few outliers, our entries have been garbage over the years.

It's not an uk only thing to be honest, the thing is it's partly based on public vote and the popularity declined over the past 20 years in western europe and increased in the eastern European countries, so then the accusation that eastern European countries ''help each other'' , ''play politics'' etc. is easyly made.

Anyway, it looks like the US might actually come out and do something decisive about Israel considering some of the things I've read over the weekend. It's not like Biden has anything to lose and it would be quite a statement to go out on if he decided to end US support.
End US support would be a silly mistake but criticism and or acting upon criticism is an different thing and something he might be able to do. Alltough there are a lot of potential democratic voters in the US who then for sure switch to cheeto. While for the other pro palestine side it's a bit different because if you have to choose between cheeto or Biden i think Biden is the better choice to be honest.
Because they repeat Israeli govt claims without verification, dickhead.
So? How many times is the claim of at least 30k palestian deaths repeated here? Without any mention of the fact that number also includes Hamas fighters, most estimates going about at least 14k.. so at least 14k of the reported 30k are terrorist, child rapist, murderers, etc. etc. and you lot repeat that 30k as if it all are innocent bystanders or persons baking their cupcakes when the evil isreali empire dumped an precision rocket on their heads...talking about a d!ck move


Senior Member
So? How many times is the claim of at least 30k palestian deaths repeated here? Without any mention of the fact that number also includes Hamas fighters, most estimates going about at least 14k.. so at least 14k of the reported 30k are terrorist, child rapist, murderers, etc. etc. and you lot repeat that 30k as if it all are innocent bystanders or persons baking their cupcakes when the evil isreali empire dumped an precision rocket on their heads...talking about a d!ck move



Elder Goth
So? How many times is the claim of at least 30k palestian deaths repeated here? Without any mention of the fact that number also includes Hamas fighters, most estimates going about at least 14k.. so at least 14k of the reported 30k are terrorist, child rapist, murderers, etc. etc. and you lot repeat that 30k as if it all are innocent bystanders or persons baking their cupcakes when the evil isreali empire dumped an precision rocket on their heads...talking about a d!ck move

Alright, let's go with this...

At the "start" of this conflict, the IDF reckoned Hamas had 30,000 troops in Gaza. So you reckon 15,000 of those have been wiped out according to... whatever estimates you've seen. Considering how restricted access is to the region I can't imagine those numbers have been replenished, so let's say half their army is gone; supplies are dwindling, morale will be f*cked no matter how hopped up on religious fervour and methamphetamine you are...

And yet they're still proving next to impossible for the IDF to deal with?

Sorry, but that doesn't stack up.

And let's be real, if as you've claimed here, Israel is killing one civilian for every Hamas fighter, does the end really justify the means?

I would say very much "no".
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Alright, let's go with this...

At the "start" of this conflict, the IDF reckoned Hamas had 30,000 troops in Gaza.
Hamas and the other hate group Palestinian resistance or something. had by their own numbers around 40k troops.
So you reckon 15,000 of those have been wiped out according to... whatever estimates you've seen.
Here is an reuters article about those numbers: Prime Minister,been killed in the war.
I wrote 14k btw not 15k that's what you made of it. So reuters calls the Palestinian health authority reliable but the figures they just relied on prove their claim that over 70% are civilian is wrong.
But there is more to say about those reported numbers this is an older article by an professor specializing in statistics :

Considering how restricted access is to the region I can't imagine those numbers have been replenished, so let's say half their army is gone; supplies are dwindling, morale will be f*cked no matter how hopped up on religious fervour and methamphetamine you are...
Yeah because in a war all that counts is deaths right? What about the heavily injured, those missing body parts etc. or otherwise not capble to fight, significant amount of them has been arrested and than a other variable, the number of 40k troops could be totally made up, slightly rounded up etc. etc. so your assumption that half their army is gone could correct, or wrong upwards or downwards.
But what you say about morale is simply not in the picture the consistent thing that all prisoners tell is that there is so much fear and violence's put into them that morale doesn't come into play they simply o what their leaders tell them.

And yet they're still proving next to impossible for the IDF to deal with?
If they IDF would stop they efforts to save the civilian populations they would be death in a few hours, they just go all Russia and bomb the whole place, but they don't, they are now surrounded in an small area using civilians as shield. Like the cowards they are. So impossible to deal with is not quite right, but an enemy that has had years of unlimited supplies, time and materials to dig themselves in, build a very advantages tunnel network etc. etc. would be an challenge for any army.
Thanks the UN for that.

Sorry, but that doesn't stack up.
Correct it doesn't because your asumptions are wrong as explained above.

And let's be real, if as you've claimed here, Israel is killing one civilian for every Hamas fighter, does the end really justify the means?
I don't recall ever claiming that, but if Isreal did nothing attacks on Isreal would continue, how many raped, murdered etc. jews/Isreali's is acceptable for you? and if it reaches and unacceptable threshold do you expect the Isreali's the send Hamas an letter stating their displeasure or is there a magic number that makes you understand they have to take more violent countermeasures at some point

I would say very much "no".
Indeed if the UN did their job and raised the Alarm instead of endlessly supply Hamas with the tools to build their terror tunnel network this all probably wouldn't have happened in the way it is happening now. I known it's an unpopular opinion on this forum not to say ''Isreal really sucks etc.'' but i think that's to easy. Not to say Isreal is perfect and everything they do is amazing, but claiming it's all on them is wrong, just as it is to claim 'it all on Hamas or the palestinians.


Elder Goth
Hamas and the other hate group Palestinian resistance or something. had by their own numbers around 40k troops.
Here is an reuters article about those numbers: week Israeli Prime Minister,been killed in the war.
I wrote 14k btw not 15k that's what you made of it. So reuters calls the Palestinian health authority reliable but the figures they just relied on prove their claim that over 70% are civilian is wrong.
But there is more to say about those reported numbers this is an older article by an professor specializing in statistics :

Yeah because in a war all that counts is deaths right? What about the heavily injured, those missing body parts etc. or otherwise not capble to fight, significant amount of them has been arrested and than a other variable, the number of 40k troops could be totally made up, slightly rounded up etc. etc. so your assumption that half their army is gone could correct, or wrong upwards or downwards.
But what you say about morale is simply not in the picture the consistent thing that all prisoners tell is that there is so much fear and violence's put into them that morale doesn't come into play they simply o what their leaders tell them.

If they IDF would stop they efforts to save the civilian populations they would be death in a few hours, they just go all Russia and bomb the whole place, but they don't, they are now surrounded in an small area using civilians as shield. Like the cowards they are. So impossible to deal with is not quite right, but an enemy that has had years of unlimited supplies, time and materials to dig themselves in, build a very advantages tunnel network etc. etc. would be an challenge for any army.
Thanks the UN for that.

Correct it doesn't because your asumptions are wrong as explained above.

I don't recall ever claiming that, but if Isreal did nothing attacks on Isreal would continue, how many raped, murdered etc. jews/Isreali's is acceptable for you? and if it reaches and unacceptable threshold do you expect the Isreali's the send Hamas an letter stating their displeasure or is there a magic number that makes you understand they have to take more violent countermeasures at some point

Indeed if the UN did their job and raised the Alarm instead of endlessly supply Hamas with the tools to build their terror tunnel network this all probably wouldn't have happened in the way it is happening now. I known it's an unpopular opinion on this forum not to say ''Isreal really sucks etc.'' but i think that's to easy. Not to say Isreal is perfect and everything they do is amazing, but claiming it's all on them is wrong, just as it is to claim 'it all on Hamas or the palestinians.

I've read this a few times now but I can't get past your notion that the IDF are somehow trying to preserve civilian life and haven't gone "all Russia" and flattened large areas which civilians have been told we're safe.

How you can honestly believe that is beyond me..
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