Hamas and the other hate group Palestinian resistance or something. had by their own numbers around 40k troops.
Here is an reuters article about those numbers:
https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-death-toll-how-many-palestinians-has-israels-campaign-killed-2024-05-14/#:~:text=Last week Israeli Prime Minister,been killed in the war.
I wrote 14k btw not 15k that's what you made of it. So reuters calls the Palestinian health authority reliable but the figures they just relied on prove their claim that over 70% are civilian is wrong.
But there is more to say about those reported numbers this is an older article by an professor specializing in statistics :
Yeah because in a war all that counts is deaths right? What about the heavily injured, those missing body parts etc. or otherwise not capble to fight, significant amount of them has been arrested and than a other variable, the number of 40k troops could be totally made up, slightly rounded up etc. etc. so your assumption that half their army is gone could correct, or wrong upwards or downwards.
But what you say about morale is simply not in the picture the consistent thing that all prisoners tell is that there is so much fear and violence's put into them that morale doesn't come into play they simply o what their leaders tell them.
If they IDF would stop they efforts to save the civilian populations they would be death in a few hours, they just go all Russia and bomb the whole place, but they don't, they are now surrounded in an small area using civilians as shield. Like the cowards they are. So impossible to deal with is not quite right, but an enemy that has had years of unlimited supplies, time and materials to dig themselves in, build a very advantages tunnel network etc. etc. would be an challenge for any army.
Thanks the UN for that.
Correct it doesn't because your asumptions are wrong as explained above.
I don't recall ever claiming that, but if Isreal did nothing attacks on Isreal would continue, how many raped, murdered etc. jews/Isreali's is acceptable for you? and if it reaches and unacceptable threshold do you expect the Isreali's the send Hamas an letter stating their displeasure or is there a magic number that makes you understand they have to take more violent countermeasures at some point
Indeed if the UN did their job and raised the Alarm instead of endlessly supply Hamas with the tools to build their terror tunnel network this all probably wouldn't have happened in the way it is happening now. I known it's an unpopular opinion on this forum not to say ''Isreal really sucks etc.'' but i think that's to easy. Not to say Isreal is perfect and everything they do is amazing, but claiming it's all on them is wrong, just as it is to claim 'it all on Hamas or the palestinians.