Israel / Palestine

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I see the ever oppottunist Israeli state have taken the opportunity to permenantly take the Golan Heights in contravention of Internationsl law...oh well....

Have to ensure they have their lebensraum, don't they.


I see the ever oppottunist Israeli state have taken the opportunity to permenantly take the Golan Heights in contravention of Internationsl law...oh well....

Whilst I am loathe to in any way support the actions of the Israeli state, and yes, it is opportunistic, I can see why they've done it.

There is a likelihood of enormous instability in Syria, much more than over the past half century, with unknown actors likely to seize power, eventually. Right on Israel's border...which is precisely 0 miles from Syria pre-67. The Israelis want a security buffer because the eastern Med countries are about to change significantly. I doubt it is about land for settlement.

Also, it is worth remembering that all these countries are fictional entities thought up by Sykes and Picot. Sometimes this shît has to play through a bit.A century is not a long time.


Well-Known Member
There is a likelihood of enormous instability in Syria, much more than over the past half century, with unknown actors likely to seize power, eventually. Right on Israel's border...which is precisely 0 miles from Syria pre-67. The Israelis want a security buffer because the eastern Med countries are about to change significantly. I doubt it is about land for settlement.
Surely if "Country A" wants a buffer zone along its border that buffer should be land on its side of the border you don't just grab land from the other country when it's your wish for such a zone.



Here's a thought....

Asylum or not in Russia, if I were Assad I'd be shîtting myself that the new prime minister of Syria is open to talks on Russia's two bases.

On one little condition...


Well-Known Member
Here's a thought....

Asylum or not in Russia, if I were Assad I'd be shîtting myself that the new prime minister of Syria is open to talks on Russia's two bases.

On one little condition...
It will be an interesting balance for Russia (maybe). If they gave-up Assad then they'd also be sending a message to all their allies (particularly those "questionable" leaders) demonstrating that they will not honour any asylum so leaders "be warned you cannot rely on or be safe in Russia". The damage that might do to leaders with alliances considering Russia as their "get out of jail free" card could be immense.

But I guess there might be some middle ground. I'm sure Assad has spirited loads of money out of Syria, probably a lot he had no rights to so Russia could return those likely vast amounts of money to the Syrian Government leaving enough for Assad to rent a small terraced 1 bedroom flat in a less salubrious Moscow neighbourhood with no state provided security.

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It will be an interesting balance for Russia (maybe). If they gave-up Assad then they'd also be sending a message to all their allies (particularly those "questionable" leaders) demonstrating that they will not honour any asylum so leaders "be warned you cannot rely on or be safe in Russia". The damage that might do to leaders with alliances considering Russia as their "get out of jail free" card could be immense.

But I guess there might be some middle ground. I'm sure Assad has spirited loads of money out of Syria, probably a lot he had no rights to so Russia could return those likely vast amounts of money to the Syrian Government leaving enough for Assad to rent a small terraced 1 bedroom flat in a less salubrious Moscow neighbourhood with no state provided security.


Just one quibble. Assad and Co are likely to have squirreled their plunder in some overseas British dependency, so Russia may not be able to use the plundered riches as a bargaining chip.


We know Syria had chemical weapons. I presume Israel are desperate to make sure they don’t fall into the wrong hands.
And taking a cheap shot at the military infrastructure seems fair game to a state which wants to weaken its enemies as much as possible.
I don’t like it, but I can see why they are doing it.


Active Member
I see the ever oppottunist Israeli state have taken the opportunity to permenantly take the Golan Heights in contravention of Internationsl law...oh well....

If I were Israel, then I’d be quite concerned about who the new actors running the Syrian state are and what their intentions may be, Golan Heights are quite strategic and Israel will want control of them until the dust settles ( and potentially longer)


We know Syria had chemical weapons. I presume Israel are desperate to make sure they don’t fall into the wrong hands.
And taking a cheap shot at the military infrastructure seems fair game to a state which wants to weaken its enemies as much as possible.
I don’t like it, but I can see why they are doing it.

Me too. Worth remembering that Israel is a concept born out of violent persecution and forged just three years after the end of the worst genocide in human history.

If that is in your collective psyche, you aren't going to take chances.
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