Bit baffled here as to what Multz is getting twisty-knickered about. Is he in favour of the cops harassing MPs who attend peaceful protests?
Have you stopped abusing your wife? Still don't like the mirror don't you?
Bit baffled here as to what Multz is getting twisty-knickered about. Is he in favour of the cops harassing MPs who attend peaceful protests?
I already many times before stated that i'm not an nethanyahu fan, but people like you can't process that, if something not left or not right you can't handle it. That's why you compare me to Netanyahu, the mullahs and Hamas, the older version would be to compare me with Hitler. Bit sad reallySee, that would work if I had asked you to blindly condemn the mullahs in a way that didn't allow for nuance or thought. I didn't do that. I made the point, perhaps too subtly, that there's very little ideological difference between Hamas, Netanyahu, the mullahs and yourself.
Or i would be hanged but you're now implying that someone grown up in a free society (multiple in my case) would develop exactly the same as someone growing up in an tyranny and/or without or with limited acces to free media, which is highly debatable. But yes Nethanyahu isn't holy either, i just don's see the relevance in the particular discussion we where having, apart from the fact the types like you can't type one sentence with criticism on Hamas without ''but Isreal or but Nethanyahu'' which is my whole point. if i criticise hamas that doesn't automatically mean i idolize Isreal. Why is that so hard to understand?The only reason you think Hamas and the mullahs are evil and the sun shines out of Nethanyahu's ärse is that you were born in Europe. Had you been born in Tehran or Beirut or Ramallah you'd be espousing the exact opposite view.
BBC News - Hamas attack survivor to represent Israel at Eurovision
If Israel is part of Europe for the purposes of Eurovision, why isn't Gaza?
(yes, I know it isn't a state)
It's in a state.
It's not, it's occupied.