Israel / Palestine

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Elder Goth
Because Ian is sarcastically taking someone to task over their literacy who is a foreign language speaker/writer, who mostly does pretty well in writing at length on here. It's Naca though so par for the course I suppose.

You're making excuses for him.

Par for the course I suppose.


Oh yeah, it's a fantastic exercise in bias as that tweet was deleted either because it was correct, or because it was incorrect, depending on your preconceptions. The other analysis seems based on either discrediting footage of alleged rocket launches or looking at Israeli communication through the night and how it fits into previous patterns of propaganda.

I quite like the nerdy OSINT guys.

Mark Twain* once said that a lie will fly around the whole world while the truth is getting its boots on - the internet seems to have quidrupled these speeds. At least.

Meanwhile, I found the relevant Reuters pages. Current page seems a fair summary:
I love this Biden quote:
Speaking alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden said: "I was deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion of the hospital in Gaza yesterday, and based on what I've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you."

And here is what - I think - kicked off the rumour mill earlier, when quoted by the Israeli guy:

*did he really? Does anyone still trust "Mark Twain" quotes??


Über Member
A perfectly reasonable question. A simple yes or know would have settled it, on her part. A "I am unable to comment on behalf of anyone else, you will have to ask them" would have settled the family part. If you don't want to be asked awkward questions, don't do interviews seem like reasonable advice.

It wasn’t a perfectly reasonable question.

And it wasn’t so much an awkward question as a clumsy, insulting, and stupid one.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Mine’s the real world, so that probably explains it.

Excellent riposte! I like it, I will have to re-use that ;)

Deleted member 159

I thought you said it was a Palestinian rocket. If that was the case then they wouldn't get a warning would they? As far as I can tell Andy is suggesting that it was indeed an Israeli airstrike but he's fine with it.

You're jumping in instead of following the meandering of the thread, so your replying to a different point
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