Terrorist cleansing that is something else.
Wrong! Wholly wrong.
Clear out the terrorists, yes, but not while carrying out war crimes as defined by the Geneva Convention. Collective punishment, targeting schools and hospitals, dropping 2000lb bombs into refugee camps, ordering people to leave their homes and head south then bombing them, killing 248 Palestinians, 40 children, this year at Gaza's border by IDF troops (under orders from IDF Generals) for the crime of being Palestinian (this is also now happening in the West Bank, especially Ramallah) and the ethnic cleansing, as pointed out in a speech by King Abdullah of Jordan a few days ago.
The Israeli Gov are a terrorist state. They're an apartheid state. They're treating the Palestinian population similar to the way the South African regime treated the black population. The IDF are a terrorist organisation and are no different to Hamas/Hezbollah.
I have no issues with Israel's right to exist peacefully, within the confines of international law but I will condemn the IDF's egregious human rights abuses and the Israeli's plan to ethnically cleanse Israel. I also support the Palestinian's right to exist in their own homeland, again within the confines of international law, after all they were there first before the Nakba of 1948. However, I would love to see Hamas/Hezbollah wiped off the planet.
There is no excuse ever for war crimes, regardless of who carries them out and for whatever reason. That's the whole point of the Geneva Convention.
This will bite the USA in the ass though. They've lost the moral high ground by supporting these war crimes instead of calling it out and telling both sides to stop. They voted against a resolution last night in the UN, put forward by Brazil, calling for a ceasefire and a safe passage for supplies and medical staff. The UK abstained, like the cowards we are now, along with Russia. What good company we keep nowadays.