You're reading the Aurora playbook.

How did she earn this bogeyman status, despite saying so little?!
You're reading the Aurora playbook.
I see he was a fan of the works of Samuel Johnson who frankly put it better... "Among the calamities of war may be numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages."
Trust an American to simplify the English language so idiots can understand it...
Richard Madeley apologises to Layla Moran
How did she earn this bogeyman status, despite saying so little?!
So you talkin out of your arse and haven't seen anything just blaming Isreal because who to fack gives about facts right? (othersie you wouldn't say above, also ever heard of Badr3 ?)Point 1. There's no way that Hamas have the firepower to bring down a hospital of that size. The IDF have been killing every Palestinian in sight but, as Gandhi said 'An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.'
It's evidence of not wanting to harm civilians as Hamas will use them as Human shields.Point 2. Israel have admitted that they don't want any Palestinians on their land and demanding that people in Gaza leave their homes is evidence of that. Hamas are C*&%s and I have no sympathy for them. As I mentioned in the previous post, which you have ignored, I would love to see Hamas/Hezbollah destroyed but not at the expense of innocent Palestinians who have done nothing wrong.
considering the amounts of subjective and outright false information you sprout i think it's adds to the debate. do you watch Commie24 or something? or destroy isreal and all jews 25?Point 3. I get my news from reliable sources, not You Tube. Dumbass comment that adds nothing to the debate.
the un is pointless against terrorist like Hamas, Isis etc. It can work against countries by leveing sanctions like with Isreal/france/uk during/after the 6 day war.Point 4. See what I wrote about Hamas/Hezbollah. If all resolutions are pointless, what's the point of the UN?
Yeah they wanted to destroy all Jews needed to flew themselves instead despite quite a lot of different armies involved. But yes it would be so much better if they just get along you known? But i still don't see how you claim it's all isreal for all you mention the other side has the same motivation, just because they are so much weaker because they don't care about their population and feel safer by keeping them stupid does not change their intentions. Give them Isreals military arsenal for a day and everyone over there would be killed, as opposed to Isreal who only responds if attacked.Point 5. Read up on the 1948 Nakba.
Oh FFS! Another bunch screaming anti-semitism at legitimate criticism of Israel's current strategy. This time, the Private Eye get it in the neck.
This is what they're whining about -
View attachment 4773
What is anti-semitic about this?
*edit* I've just noticed that @C R has beaten me to it.
[insane anti-Muslim rant]
Point 1. There's no way that Hamas have the firepower to bring down a hospital of that size. The IDF have been killing every Palestinian in sight but, as Gandhi said 'An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.'
Point 2. Israel have admitted that they don't want any Palestinians on their land and demanding that people in Gaza leave their homes is evidence of that. Hamas are C*&%s and I have no sympathy for them. As I mentioned in the previous post, which you have ignored, I would love to see Hamas/Hezbollah destroyed but not at the expense of innocent Palestinians who have done nothing wrong.
Point 3. I get my news from reliable sources, not You Tube. Dumbass comment that adds nothing to the debate.
Point 4. See what I wrote about Hamas/Hezbollah. If all resolutions are pointless, what's the point of the UN?
Point 5. Read up on the 1948 Nakba.