No selective quoting, thank you Mr @newfhouse ..
(However apposite😊)
Now if you'd kindly remind me again to get on with my holiday, and desist from chatting with 'you lot'
No selective quoting, thank you Mr @newfhouse ..
(However apposite😊)
Now if you'd kindly remind me again to get on with my holiday, and desist from chatting with 'you lot'
Tbh I'm not sure I've got the interest enough to speculate as to which of those it is, or something else...
But maybe yes wilful ignorance.
Saves having to do any exhausting thunking, or any adjustment of view ..
How's the Jubbly being recieved in the OH's? Much flaggery? Signs of partying being prepared?
Quite right. Be off with you, and don't burn in that sun![]()
Dissent, and anti monarchy sentiment, is as old and as 'British' as the monarchy itself.
If you don't understand that , you don't understand much, nor do you know your history.
It makes for a simplistic, inaccurate world view.
Like you say it's black and white thinking, which actually serves no one very well.
Unless you particularly like ignorant narrow mindedness.
I was around for the 77 jubilee, there was no 'unquestioning' acceptance nor idealising of the institution of monarchy then, any more than now.
Fwiw myself, and all my forebears are English as far back as anyone knows .
Unquestioning acceptance of hereditary privilege, and power is not a requirement of Britishness, nor Englishness for that matter
Unquestioning acceptance of what your country does, right or wrong is not patriotism, it's nationalism, which can easily slide into populism and even facism .
Not being able or allowed to intelligently critique your government, or your countries institutions leads to authoritarianism..
You know, like in China, Russia, and other bastions of freedom, and free speech..
Sorry forgot you won't read this..
Now now.
I seem to recall a saying in teaching circles ..
Smthng, about not underestimating peoples intelligence, but also being wary of assuming the scope of their knowledge..
View attachment 1284
That's horrific.
I ignore no-one as nothing anyone can say on the internet can possibly offend me, as I'm sur you are aware.
You make some very valid points but I can't help thinking most on here are anti British/English etc due to the Government that is currently in power.
I always thought you were in your mid forties so you must have been a very advanced child to remember the '77 Jubilee and people's reactions to it.
I always sensed there was something a bit 'spesh' about you.
No one on here has claimed to be anti English, or anti British, thats your invention.
Many, if not most on here, are anti what the current government are doing,
I'm sure I had a Stuff the Jubilee badge in 1977.
I had a Let them eat Fish Fingers badge.
I can't help thinking most on here are anti British/English etc due to the Government that is currently in power.