Maureen Lipman: Cancel culture could wipe out comedy

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New Member
I suppose any government is judged by results; what it got right and what it got wrong. It’s not really the role of the voter to suggest what a government should have done. A voter’s role is to decide who to place confidence in. That doesn’t bar the voter from passing judgement on outcomes, of course. If I take my fridge to be repaired and it never works well afterwards, I can state that the repair was crap without suggesting what capacitors should have been used instead.

Deleted member 28

Perhaps it's time for you and some others to step up and fill that gap so that debate can be improved.
I think a better idea would be for the 2 or 3 'right wingers' to stop coming on here altogether and leave the other half dozen or so to knock one out to flabfoodies continuous stream of Guardian links.


Regular AND Goofy
I suppose any government is judged by results; what it got right and what it got wrong. It’s not really the role of the voter to suggest what a government should have done. A voter’s role is to decide who to place confidence in. That doesn’t bar the voter from passing judgement on outcomes, of course. If I take my fridge to be repaired and it never works well afterwards, I can state that the repair was crap without suggesting what capacitors should have been used instead.
It is absolutely the role of the voter. Without an informed electorate we might place confidence in PR merchants and manipulators.

It is a very good idea to know roughly how to repair your own appliances too.


Regular AND Goofy
I think a better idea would be for the 2 or 3 'right wingers' to stop coming on here altogether and leave the other half dozen or so to knock one out to flabfoodies continuous stream of Guardian links.
Ah, please don't do that. The mainstream left is far from innocent.

Salty seadog

Senior Member
It's simple enough, more or less everything you see as a failure I see as a success.
Thousands of people dying unnecessarily, drowning people at sea, the end of free healthcare - that kind of thing?

C'mon Claud, not the Heavy stuff, just little things like the shafting of entire industries like fishing and farming.

Those sort of successes.

Salty seadog

Senior Member
Not especially, it's just realism.

No, but I'm not going to get involved in another lengthy circular 'discussion'.

I'm not convinced the government could have done much better, you presumably are.

What should they done?

Always bearing in mind everyone knew naff all at the time.

Anyone remember that multi agency pandemic preparedness exercise from 2016. No, nor do the Tories. It's in the sand somewhere.


But I see you're beating a hasty retreat away from everything the Tories have done while in office is great, to, I think everyone would have struggled with the pandemic response.
Fair point.

I guess Maureen might be wrong about Cancel Culture 👍

Salty seadog

Senior Member
This has occurred to me. As also has the interesting result that it's now a self-managed community, a rare thing on the net.

Well it's basically a cull of the cause for most moderation on CC.
It's been left to wither on the vine and it doubtless will.

After all where are all the new members coming from?
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