Maureen Lipman: Cancel culture could wipe out comedy

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Pale Rider

Having a laugh at your expense is not moaning.

Don't let it get to you, sweetheart.

You are a desperately slow learner if you think any of the sneery claptrap on here gets to me.

By the way, is there anything you don't moan and whine about?
I could ask you the same question - is there anything you don't moan about?

Your posts so far indicate the answer is 'no'.
I wasn’t moaning, simply wistful for a dedicated thread in which to moan about moaning.

And, since it remains polite to answer reasonable questions, the answer is ‘yes’.

Pale Rider

I wasn’t moaning, simply wistful for a dedicated thread in which to moan about moaning.

And, since it remains polite to answer reasonable questions, the answer is ‘yes’.

Moaning about the lack of a moaning about moaning thread looks to me like there's some moaning going on somewhere.

To answer my own question, I like a good moan, although not nearly as much as 95% of the posters on here.

I don't moan about Brexit or the Tories, which means I don't moan about the vast majority of topics.


Reading around the chip

Art Blakey has acquired an additional 'L'. Must've been a Christmas present.
It's simple enough, more or less everything you see as a failure I see as a success.
Avoidable care home deaths, environmental damage, poverty and division, lawbreaking and grift, jobs and peerages for wealthy donors and chums, I could go on. Presumably all successes in your eyes, or will you simply deny reality?
directly responsible
In many cases, yes. In others there is a very short chain of responsibility.
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