Maureen Lipman: Cancel culture could wipe out comedy

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Pale Rider

What you call grift etc has been going on for centuries, it used to be called patronage, latterly under Blair it was cronyism.

The never ending argument is what is acceptable and what is not.

But to suggest it's a 21st century Tory problem is nonsense.

The next government, of whatever hue, will be at it, as were all previous governments.

Covid hindsight is a wonderful thing.

You've posted at length about all the mistakes the government made, so let's hear some solutions.

Pretend you were in charge at the time - what would you have done differently?

The critical point is you would have known next to nothing about pandemics, and absolutely nothing about Covid.

Looks to me like any leader would have been flying by the seat of their pants, but perhaps you can say otherwise.
What you call grift etc has been going on for centuries, it used to be called patronage, latterly under Blair it was cronyism.
I condemned it then.
The next government, of whatever hue, will be at it, as were all previous governments.
And I will condemn it in future. You seem more comfortable to accept it from the Tories. Why?
You've posted at length about all the mistakes the government made, so let's hear some solutions.
First, are you drawing back from describing those mistakes as successes?

Pale Rider

You seem more comfortable to accept it from the Tories. Why?

Not especially, it's just realism.

First, are you drawing back from describing those mistakes as successes?

No, but I'm not going to get involved in another lengthy circular 'discussion'.

I'm not convinced the government could have done much better, you presumably are.

What should they done?

Always bearing in mind everyone knew naff all at the time.


Über Member
No, but I'm not going to get involved in another lengthy circular 'discussion'.

I'm not convinced the government could have done much better, you presumably are.

What should they done?

Always bearing in mind everyone knew naff all at the time.
Saw this,


Thought of you.

But I see you're beating a hasty retreat away from everything the Tories have done while in office is great, to, I think everyone would have struggled with the pandemic response.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
I could ask you the same question - is there anything you don't moan about?

Your posts so far indicate the answer is 'no'.
Tbf most of the moaning on here is directed at the government which, strangely enough, one would expect to hear on a political forum, especially one where the majority seem to be left leaning.
Your moaning, by contrast, is virtually always about people criticising the government of the day. Just for a change why not try in 2022 to rebut more often the arguments of those moaning by outlining what is going well, like tbf you have tried to do, once or twice, when talking about the "impressive" growth of the economy from its record fall, and the current low unemployment levels. You seem to think a lot of things are going well so why not put your money where your mouth is and debate those points.
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Pale Rider

Saw this,


Thought of you.

But I see you're beating a hasty retreat away from everything the Tories have done while in office is great, to, I think everyone would have struggled with the pandemic response.

Only in your imagination, Muggers.

Try not to confuse the many unsubstantiated assertions about me made by others with the reality.

So you still consider them to be successes. What a strange world you inhabit.

Me and a few others in my strange world are still curious to learn what the government should have done.

It's a shame the speed and keenness to hurl abuse at the government is in sharp contrast to the posting of any solutions.

Could it be that members of an internet forum are only capable of slagging off and moaning from the sidelines?

And could it be they haven't an effin' clue how the job could have been done better?

Surely not.

Tbf most of the moaning on here is directed at the government which, strangely enough, one would expect to hear on a political forum.
Your moaning, by contrast, is virtually always about people criticising the government of the day. Just for a change why not try in 2002 to rebut more often the arguments of those moaning by outlining what is going well, like tbf you have tried to do, once or twice, when talking about the "impressive" growth of the economy from its record fall, and the current low unemployment levels. You seem to think a lot of things are going well so why not put your money where your mouth is and debate those points.

Give over, you know as well as I do there's very little debate on here.

Most of the posters are far more interested in slagging off anyone with whom they disagree.

Shine, for goodness sake, you've been around these parts long enough to know.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Only in your imagination, Muggers.

Try not to confuse the many unsubstantiated assertions about me made by others with the reality.

Me and a few others in my strange world are still curious to learn what the government should have done.

It's a shame the speed and keenness to hurl abuse at the government is in sharp contrast to the posting of any solutions.

Could it be that members of an internet forum are only capable of slagging off and moaning from the sidelines?

And could it be they haven't an effin' clue how the job could have been done better?

Surely not.

Give over, you know as well as I do there's very little debate on here.

Most of the posters are far more interested in slagging off anyone with whom they disagree.

Shine, for goodness sake, you've been around these parts long enough to know.
You are right in that there can be little actual debate when only one side is prepared to explain why they have the views they do and give examples to demonstrate them. Perhaps it's time for you and some others to step up and fill that gap so that debate can be improved.
Me and a few others in my strange world are still curious to learn what the government should have done.
About grift and corruption? Rooted it out, resigned if found to be responsible.
Environmental damage? Prevented it, lying in front of bulldozers if necessary.
Pushing vulnerable people into the maw of a killer virus? Listened to the medics that were the paid experts on such matters.

But you still see them as successes for your absurd tribe.



Pretend you were in charge at the time - what would you have done differently?

The critical point is you would have known next to nothing about pandemics, and absolutely nothing about Covid.

Looks to me like any leader would have been flying by the seat of their pants, but perhaps you can say otherwise.
Are you telling us that politicians are not experts in public health responses to unprecedented pandemics? Gosh, if only someone had thought to put in place a system of expert advisors to help them....


Well-Known Member
Are you telling us that politicians are not experts in public health responses to unprecedented pandemics? Gosh, if only someone had thought to put in place a system of expert advisors to help them....

And, god forbid, they would listen to those experts too.

Pale Rider

if only someone had thought to put in place a system of expert advisors to help them....

Who at the time didn't know a lot more.

As evidenced by the experts' short lived idea of letting Covid rip to reach herd immunity.

Still, all will become clear when I'm told what the government should have done.


Über Member
Only in your imagination, Muggers.

Try not to confuse the many unsubstantiated assertions about me made by others with the reality.
I'm not sure I am, and it's something I've pondered for a while now.

I'm happy to accept that people's political views differ, as they will on pretty much any given subject.
But this lot? I just don't get it, I cannot fathom how any average Joe would support them, the reasons for them being elected can be put to one side, we're talking about what they have done since.
This lot are atrocious, utterly appalling, we're talking about millions being driven into poverty, billions being syphoned off to their mates and themselves, colluding with foreign governments, rowing back on election guarantees, removing citizens rights, attacking the free media, attacking the courts, breaking international law, breaking UK law, the list is endless.
We know you're a Thatcher fan, I cannot imagine what she would make of the cabal of idiots that make up today's cabinet, much the same as Major, Heseltine, Clarke, Soames or Grieve and many other Tory grandees I would imagine.
We know that some are happy enough so long as someone else isn't, I would hope your reasons are a little more honourable than that, I'm genuinely interested to hear them.
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