This is just nonsense. There are plenty of "far right" gatherings and their right to gather/protest is just as protected as anyone else's.
The problem they have is that, generally speaking, they are outnumbered by those who find their views abhorrent and will counter protest. A few years ago there was an EDL march in Newcastle, it was absolutely pathetic and attended by about 30 people. There were roughly 10 times as many people opposing their nonsense, although in the end most of us lost interest as the whole thing was tragic.
What is plenty? With which i mean, how many requested protest are actually allowed vs being rejected and that compared to protest of other political directions. In the town here one was allowed last year vs i believe about 10 request opposed to at least 10 left leaning protest.
i did'nt count climate change etc. but just political ones
Yes they mostly are very pathetic and i understand those counterprotestors partly, alltough the organised ''anti-fascist'' are just as bad. But if we are a democracy their right to be saddo's with 30ish must be respected.
and if counterprotests lead to violence what it often does maybe they should not allow those to happens that where it goes wrong most of the time.
i don't say i feel for them or whatever but it is my point if you don't defend democracy for them it eventually erodes the system, and we have seen that, it started with counterprotest, now we see it at universities one group of students don't agree with the speaker so they harras and harras until the speaker is cancelled and the end result is less democracy, further erosion.
Like those saddo football guys 'protecting' Churchills statue, stood there throwing Nazi salutes..??
They can't 'all' have been dropped on their heads as babies can they..??
Nope not those, that also was violence from both sides, and where more like the hooligans' they normally have the riot vans ready for probably bored out of their minds due to lockdowns, it not a returning thing ''protecting statues''
Poor loves, being 'persecuted' by the 'Woke Snowflake' BLM peeps..
I understand some rwnj got a milkshake chucked at them one time too .?? .
Pretty awful stuff if you're lactose intolerant, or a member of the EDL Vegan Chapter.. 😳
However what you do now does show the issue, i get it you don't like persons like that, me neither but you starting to talk down on them immediately, what i have seen from them it's really not needed but it's also part of the erosion i talked about earlier, we starting to see those as less and although some/most of their mindset leans on seeing others as less it doesn't mean it's helpful nor usefull if society copies that.
Then you have noticed far more than I have. Some examples would help.
Many examples across Europe in the us but to keep it local, in my town they have been 10 request for (far) right protest and only one of them was approved the amount of leftish protest is at least 10 being held, not sure how many where requested.