Don't forget this is 'Normal Island' 👍🏼
Not the climate change or JSO thread .
err ... and ... ??
I checked the OP - pretty much none of the posts I'm seeing match Claud's original rubric! But I may have misunderstood ...
Don't forget this is 'Normal Island' 👍🏼
Not the climate change or JSO thread .
Once you've got it out of your system, try to have a grown-up discussion about the environment.
You seem to be saying that countries which pollute more simply because they are larger should do more than smaller countries (which may pollute more per capita but overall have less effect simply because of their size).
So Canada for example can pollute as much as it wants because its population is a tiny fraction of China's.
The flaw in that argument is that small countries together add up to a substantial percentage of the world population.
With who?
- tackle the "low hanging fruit"
- go for the old 80/20 approach and attempt to make significant inroads into the 80%. That does not mean ignoring the 20%, although it may be difficult for men, it is, usually, quite possible to undertake more than one task simultaneously
If I may extend this analogy somewhat:
- fruit may be low-hanging, but if it's two continents away it must be a lot harder to pick, no?
- if someone shows you how to (easily) pick the fruit in your own garden, please don't tell them to "Bog off until you show someone a thousand miles away how to pick their fruit."
Sensible, no?
- go for the old 80/20 approach and attempt to make significant inroads into the 80%. That does not mean ignoring the 20%, although it may be difficult for men, it is, usually, quite possible to undertake more than one task simultaneously
So I have 2 questions:
- are you actually for tackling "the 20%", as you put it? That's what "not ignoring" means, yes? Or would you rather bang on about larger countries, while we do nothing?
- what ARE you doing about that lovely juicy 80%? If it's so low-hanging, have you nearly grabbed it? I'd love to hear of your successes!
I haven't noticed any post suggesting that ANY country should be allowed or encouraged to pollute "as much as it wants".
The implication was that I/we shouldn't waste time here agreeing with our fellow travellers (circle jerking) but instead put more effort into discussions with grown-ups with whom I/we disagree. This does rather rely on them discussing in good faith, I think.With the other "grownup(s)" on here?, or, are you the only one?
Who are you quoting? Cos it ain't me.
The implication was that I/we shouldn't waste time here agreeing with our fellow travellers (circle jerking) but instead put more effort into discussions with grown-ups with whom I/we disagree. This does rather rely on them discussing in good faith, I think.
Just to clarify, does that mean the only "grown-ups" are those who agree with you (on climate change, and what to do about it)?