I didnt come on here to take the piss….i came to defend brexiters from being called thick and racist, to which i was faced by numerous w4nkers thinking it was ok to change the spelling of my username, to which i was once band from the other place for doing……..
now i know theres no mods here, which is both good bad, as this thread would have been shut months ago and half the members band ( not such a bad thing in some cases)…..but it now seems a rhing to troll through all my back posts to try and highlight my own mistakes/typos just to make themselves feel good.
now i got nothing against you
@winjim, but rather than call out my posts, why not call out all others for posting insults, winding people up and the like…….it goes both ways.
now in answer to all the questions around brexit.
1. I no longer have to see MPs blaming the EU for all the issues in the Uk - positive
2. i am one of 14.9m that voted leave, so i am in the majority - positive
3. MPs now have to do their jobs and improve the economy in the UK to best suit us and not them europeans and cant blame the EU if it doesnt work - positive ( job accountability )
4. Brexit hasnt done me a disservice and probably hasnt to most remainers on here either, but they just want to moan because they lost the vote.
5. Farmers now need to do some work, rather than get free handouts for having empty fields.
6. We no longer have to pay huge sums to the EU to help bail out other countries, who cant afford to pay as much as we do…….
7. The bus said “ lets fund our nhs and not lets give it all to the nhs” but remainers dont see that in the way the other 14.9m do
8. It may not be a success right now, but its only been 2yrs since we officially left and during that time theres beena world wide pandemic…….remainers may not have noticed that, cause their eyes are still full of tears from losing the vote….
9. We can now if we want alter taxes outside of EU regulations, but dont see that happening at the moment.
just some of my views and i know that within seconds, some remainer will come along and degrade my post. But its my views, like it or f*cking leave it