1. I no longer have to see MPs blaming the EU for all the issues in the Uk - positive
Are you reading the news at all? All Conservative politicians do is blame the Eu. Brexit not working - it's the EUs fault. NI border not working? It's the EU's fault? Can't export your fish to Europe because we don't have a trading relationship - EU's fault.
2. i am one of 14.9m that voted leave, so i am in the majority - positive
You need to work on the maths. There are 47.6 million people in the UK registered to vote. 14.9m is not even close to being a majority.
3. MPs now have to do their jobs and improve the economy in the UK to best suit us and not them europeans and cant blame the EU if it doesnt work - positive ( job accountability )
Yep, I agree. Out of interest - how do you think that is going?
4. Brexit hasnt done me a disservice and probably hasnt to most remainers on here either, but they just want to moan because they lost the vote.
So, you don't go on holiday to Europe? You don't purchase food imported from Europe ? You don't buy flowers. You are happy with high electricity, petrol and diesel prices. You don't buy cycling goods or other goods from smaller suppliers in Europe? You don't have children. It's not about moaning, it's evaluation of what we had vs what we now have. We were promised a better economy, sunlit uplands etc. What we have is an economy in stagnation, 14 billion in lost trade, restricted opportunities for our children, massive queues in airports, the removal of data roaming for mobile phones, loss of access to the new EU GPS system, musicians being penalised, scientists warning that research projects are in jeopardy and big business moving out of our country to Europe.
For balance, let me sum up the benefits:-
1) Um...
5. Farmers now need to do some work, rather than get free handouts for having empty fields.
Again - read some news. Farmers are going bankrupt because of lack of subsidy. You want famers not to be subsidised? Great! How much are you prepared to pay for food - I guarantee you it will be a *lot* more expensive. Farmers get paid very little for what they farm.
6. We no longer have to pay huge sums to the EU to help bail out other countries, who cant afford to pay as much as we do…….
I'm not so sure that "I'm rich so you can f*ck off" is a good life motto. Are you a person who would prefer to hang out with Boris burning £50 notes in front of the homeless?
7. The bus said “ lets fund our nhs and not lets give it all to the nhs” but remainers dont see that in the way the other 14.9m do
That's true. We see it as a lie as funding hasn't changed for the better.
8. It may not be a success right now, but its only been 2yrs since we officially left and during that time theres beena world wide pandemic…….remainers may not have noticed that, cause their eyes are still full of tears from losing the vote….
No - we have noticed. But the pandemic finished a while ago and all business analysts and economists are now 100% that our trade has suffered massively and our economy also.
9. We can now if we want alter taxes outside of EU regulations, but dont see that happening at the moment.
We have no money. We have a massive debt. Trade that would have helped has been cut off. We would rather spend money on sending desperate people to Rwanda than finding out if they have skills that could benefit us. Our fruit and veg is rotting in the fields because no-one will pick it. We could always set our own taxes. Every EU country does. Or are you talking about trade tariff taxes? In which case - what do you think happens if we put up import taxes for goods from the EU? The EU will retaliate.
just some of my views and i know that within seconds, some remainer will come along and degrade my post. But its my views, like it or f*cking leave it
The way that discussion works, is that I look at the post and your rationale and then see if I think it holds water. If I have better evidence or a differing view I offer that back. As I have done.