Jowwy, I‘m not trying to poke you here but your fascination with how other people swear on here, while you swear like a trooper, is puzzling. Ok, so there’s one word you particularly don’t like being used but what can you (anyone) do about it, really?
People will still use it from time to time and that’s just part of life. (I generally reserve it for Tory politicians.) When you encounter it, why not just roll your eyes in disgust and move on? You can’t control how or when people use it.
Ive not mentioned the word since yesterday………im just fed of people now commenting on me, instead of the thread itself, which is what people said they were here for.
if they just left the poking, as you asked them to do on quite a few occassions, i would not after post any longer and you can all have a peaceful life. But too many members just want to keep digging and digging.