Nice one Fishface.
I just take exception to someone who doesn`t know what gender they are going to feel like being on any given day calling poppy wearing "a fetish". I`ve lost friends in conflict and my son serves in the Royal Navy. I also work with a few ex squaddies and they are salt of the earth real people, unlike 90% of NACA....
I wear one for them and all who have served, it`s nothing to do with fetishes it about respect and sacrifice.
Who are you to say who is, or
isn't a 'real person'
That sounds a lot like arrogance from someone who apparently values being 'down to earth'.
Farming (my profession) is now the industry with the highest rate of fatalities, since the construction industry cleaned up it's act.
Can't get much more 'salt of the earth' than that.
Do we get a whole day to commemorate our work, in recognition of the fact that were are putting our bodies on the line to feed the nation??
By all means commemorate the war dead, and the many victims of war.
And remind ourselves what a terrible thing it is, and how we need to prevent conflict, build peace.
And to prevent suppression of minorities, celebrate tolerance of 'difference' .
Remember how the Nazis in addition to trying to do what they saw as ethnic cleansing also persecuted gay people, and doubtless other perfectly harmless , yet 'non conforming' sections of society.
Respect for
everyone, even
if their way of being is outside your sphere of experience.