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Über Member
It's been 24 years since 9/11. 19 years since the London bus bombings.

In the 24 years since 9/11 there have been just over 100 deaths at the hands of Islamic extremist terrorists.

In the 30 years of The Troubles there were 2000 deaths at the hands of Republican terrorists.

Just for some sense of perspective.

Tool been sharing Dutch's crack pipe?


Oh look. It's my little stalker dry-humping my leg again.


Well-Known Member
The inevitable "Detention at His Majesty's Pleasure" sentence - only option available to judge for someone under 18 at time of the murder

Tariff period 52 years 190 days before he could even be considered for parole.

Reality is he is very unlikely to be released ever.


52 years before parole can be considered is probably about right for a 17 year old. If he was 9 days older he would have been given a full life term.
The details of what he did are absolutely appalling.
He kept on stabbing the girls long after they were dead. And showed zero remorse.
Some people are just evil, and this man appears to have no motive other than wishing to kill.
Plenty of people calling for capital punishment, but as a civilised society I could never condone that.


Some people are psychopaths.

Doesn't really matter about good/evil, you just want them well away from everyone else. Is there any point punishing this guy?
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52 years before parole can be considered is probably about right for a 17 year old. If he was 9 days older he would have been given a full life term.
The details of what he did are absolutely appalling.
He kept on stabbing the girls long after they were dead. And showed zero remorse.
Some people are just evil, and this man appears to have no motive other than wishing to kill.
Plenty of people calling for capital punishment, but as a civilised society I could never condone that.
But more importantly his Father stopped him from potentially doing more harm at a school and he was referred to authorities multiple times, yet it had to go wrong before something was done.

Some people are psychopaths.

Doesn't really matter about good/evil, you just want them well away from everyone else. Is there any point punishing this guy?
Yes but then we need to have the legal options to do so, human rights often come in the way of locking someone up forever.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Only if the victims' families could do the punishing, with big sticks, whilst he was tied up

Why not go the whole hog and stick his head on a spike outside Southport town hall?


No, seriously, is there any point punishing this man?

That doesn't mean letting him out scot-free because he is,and will remain, a live danger to others, but given that he seems utterly deranged what does punishment achieve? He seems an ideal candidate for a secure mental facility.

Sure we can all get off on fantasy of barbaric revenge by relatives and then in 5 minutes pat ourselves on the back that we are so much more civilised than...say...ISIS fighters.


That doesn't mean letting him out scot-free because he is,and will remain, a live danger to others, but given that he seems utterly deranged what does punishment achieve? He seems an ideal candidate for a secure mental facility.

I suspect that if he happened to be white and there had been no farage riots it is likely that the case would have been dealt with as a mental health issue, rather than terrorism.
You could say that of any person who does a crime of this seriousness though. If there's no diagnosed mental illness then a secure hospital isn't an appropriate placement. I don't think he's deranged. This crime took an element of planning, preparation, and choosing a particular location. Sometimes people choose to do terrible things and whilst we might label this as psychopathy or whatever, there's an element of choice.
No, seriously, is there any point punishing this man?
Actually no, there is no point. But prison isn't supposed to be punishment anyway, it's to keep bad people away from the general public and hope to rehabilitate them. If I had the choice though, I would rather he go to jail than a mental institution. Firstly prison is probably cheaper, and secondly it frees up a space in a MH facility for someone who would benefit from it.
I suspect that if he happened to be white and there had been no farage riots it is likely that the case would have been dealt with as a mental health issue, rather than terrorism.

He will have undergone the same psychological evaluation as anyone else accused of a similar crime. You're basically saying independent court appointed psychiatrists would deliberately conceal a diagnosable mental illness - like schizophrenia, psychosis, or bi polar - at the behest of who? The judge? The police? Keir Starmer?

Sometimes violent people aren't suffering from a mental illness, they're just people who have chosen to deal with their issues through violence.


Actually no, there is no point. But prison isn't supposed to be punishment anyway, it's to keep bad people away from the general public and hope to rehabilitate them.

I'm not sure that is the case. There is an element of punishment, which is apparent when you consider that there is sometimes a fine line between a custodial and a non-custodial sentence, and there are many people who are imprisoned not because they pose a risk to individuals. Take Nick Leeson, for example.
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