Rishi Sunak is a Tosser....

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Has anyone done a simplistic calculation of it's performance if you just shoved 2023 battery/motor tech in there? You'd get a pretty tidy upgrade, I imagine.
Yes but one of the advantages being able to drive it without peddling would legally be annulled as new regulations allow for peddle assist only. Ignoring that you should have an range of 40-80miles depending on chosen battery etc. I don't know how strong the original engine was but potentially it could become a very fast thing if rules are ignored, if rules are not ignored too(but would require peddling offcourse), for example by putting on gears used to live close to the university (Delft nl) where they tested the solar based bikes with looked a bit like that but much longer to accommodate al those panels, those things where incredibly fast too.


It was a pedal assist tricycle with a top speed of 15mph and 250 watt motor. The very new rules back then meant it was street legal without insurance.
Obviously mileage with lithium and an efficient motor would be comparable to electric recumbents which would be of similar weight.

And being low, they would be similarly as dangerous. Bikes are said to be 12 times more fatal than cars, mile for mile, but half that of motorbikes.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
It was a pedal assist tricycle with a top speed of 15mph and 250 watt motor. The very new rules back then meant it was street legal without insurance.
Obviously mileage with lithium and an efficient motor would be comparable to electric recumbents which would be of similar weight.

And being low, they would be similarly as dangerous. Bikes are said to be 12 times more fatal than cars, mile for mile, but half that of motorbikes.

Fatal to whom? Pedestrians, the people riding them, and, under what circumstances ie a car (or other motorcycle) colliding with a bicycle and killing the rider?

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
The closing of nuclear to become near fully reliant on Russia was likely the prelude to where we are now. Sadly, that new Scottish oilfield is certainly a necessity.

Rosebank will have no effect on our energy security. Everything it produces simply goes to the highest bidder.

The special treatment given to the oil and gas sector does not apply to renewables.


This now abandoned project would do more for energy security than Rosebank will.


More pointless wankery from the useles farking tossbag....
It's coming out on a daily basis:-

Rishi Sunak could limit 20mph zones to target driver vote​

Now I went to Wales last weekend to climb Mount Snowdon. Very few of the roads I drove down were 20mph. Those that were, were quite sensibly 20mph. There were quite a lot of national limit roads on the other hand which would be better off being 40mph max. The only people able to drive faster on those roads seemed to be angry blokes in transit vans. There were definitely a few roads that used to be 30 as my car would try to accelerate to 30mph based on mapping data rather than reading the speed signs (it can do both but isn't great at either), but it certainly didn't cost me more than a few minutes in journey time and on the plus side used a bit less energy.

Pale Rider

Rosebank will have no effect on our energy security.

It will - oil will be produced and refined entirely in western Europe.

The region will be more secure because the likes of Russia or the Arabs cannot cut off the supply from Rosebank.

A relatively small amount is involved, but security is nonetheless improved.


You know what would really improve our energy security? Use less and generate more of it sustainably. It's that simple.
And incentivise renewables. For example I live near four reservoirs. One of those has a small floating solar farm. There is a further solar farm in the treatment works. That could be scaled up hugely. QE II Reservoir could accommodate at least 10 times more solar panels than it currently has, and then you have a further two reservoirs. Theb there is the vast Queen Mary Reservoir... and that's just in my local area.

Then you have a complex of flats / shops / carpark in the down centre which have huge flat roofs that are unused and could easily host enough solar to power a significant portion of the aforementioned flats and shops. There is loads of space like this that can be utilised without people complaining "it's an eyesore".

Incentivise home installations. I'd love solar - can't afford it at present.


Epic Member
I've been pondering Sunak's recent pronouncements. The fake rowback on net zero, and yesterday the "end to the war on the motorist".

What strikes me is that these are not profound, long-term policies, if indeed they can be considered policies at all. They are nothing. If left to stand for a year until the next election they will be exposed as hollow.

Which leads me to think that this isn't about trying to win an election a year off, but trying to lose less badly in the very near future.

I think we may be headed for an election within the next few months.
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