Runners and riders for the Tory Party leadership...

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Given our seeming propensity for getting overheated about all subjects biscuit ..

Could I propose we make The Cookie-monster, our de facto moderator in all these baked goods contretemps .

(So long as he approves Garibaldi mind🙄)

I know I know, someone will be up in a moment to object to the Americanisation of any crispy delectable, as a 'Cookie'..

But worth a dunk perhaps ??

I'm up for that. And I don't mind garibaldis either. ^_^


Training in what?

Going camping in a cardboard box and being grateful for it presumably


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
That's kind of important. He needs to know/have some empathy towards those that do not have a few hundred million quid and 12 homes.

He failed on that when he was Chancellor.

So, how “poor” would he have to be, before you thought he (or, any other potential PM, of whatever party) would have “empathy”? Plus, empathy with who, I dare say there is a fair spread of wealth, even on this forum.

qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
The heat, and all that fecund red Devonian soil getting to you, mudders?
Tories were elected on a manifesto. If that's changing - and none of these grotesques can agree - then an election is the least we should expect rather than being mere spectators.


The heat, and all that fecund red Devonian soil getting to you, mudders?
Tories were elected on a manifesto. If that's changing - and none of these grotesques can agree - then an election is the least we should expect rather than being mere spectators.

Getting to me??

It 'got' me years back... 😇

Second part should go without saying..

But we are where we are..

Mired in a turgid morass, watching our febrile overlords trying to decide between one complicit turd and another..

Glitter sales must be up in that that Westminster. 🙄

Deleted member 49

The heat, and all that fecund red Devonian soil getting to you, mudders?
Tories were elected on a manifesto. If that's changing - and none of these grotesques can agree - then an election is the least we should expect rather than being mere spectators.
Since when did a manifesto mean anything ?

qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
Sifting the slurry tank for positives, might the admission onto the roster of hyper-wealthy oppressors who govern us of some darker skinned tax dodgers, help persuade future generations of proto-sheps that perhaps race isn't the key distinction?


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
The game of Monopoly is a warning.

Also, equal rights, justice, democracy, opportunity, education, all that stuff. But you knew that, right?

Is this the same rishi sunka…that stated yesterday in a conservative hustings, that rather than cut taxes, he would prefer we upskill people, to get better paid jobs…… long will that take??? What are the better jobs?? And will it help people to pay this winters fuel bill???

i agree with you, hes not a leader I want making decision
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