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Non-binary dunkables?

As a connoisseur of biscuits in all their forms, I've never liked hobnobs. They are gritty, over sweet and completely overrated.

Another one goes on the list.

Given our seeming propensity for getting overheated about all subjects biscuit ..

Could I propose we make The Cookie-monster, our de facto moderator in all these baked goods contretemps .

(So long as he approves Garibaldi mind🙄)

I know I know, someone will be up in a moment to object to the Americanisation of any crispy delectable, as a 'Cookie'..

But worth a dunk perhaps ??


Given our seeming propensity for getting overheated about all subjects biscuit ..

Could I propose we make The Cookie-monster, our de facto moderator in all these baked goods contretemps .

(So long as he approves Garibaldi mind🙄)

I know I know, someone will be up in a moment to object to the Americanisation of any crispy delectable, as a 'Cookie'..

But worth a dunk perhaps ??

Please allow me to suggest the Lidl Chocolate Oatie as a cheaper and superior alternative to the Chocolate Hobnob.


I have never been to Butlins but somehow still haven't managed to save enough money to buy twelve houses.

Well we all know that's down to all those meal deals you will insist upon buying..

Take your own sarnies to work and your property portfolio will burgeon in a matter of months..

..My financial advice comes for free..What luck 😇


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I have never been to Butlins but somehow still haven't managed to save enough money to buy twelve houses.

Nor have I (saved enough money to buy 12 houses), so what?

Indeed, there are lots of things I don't have (and lots I do of course).

I see no reason to suppose that someone who has less of any particular article (eg houses, bikes, chairs, whatever) than me would necessarily make better decisions than me, or, indeed, someone who had more of any particular item. Perhaps, you have a link to some learned research to suggest otherwise?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Nor have I (saved enough money to buy 12 houses), so what?

Indeed, there are lots of things I don't have (and lots I do of course).

I see no reason to suppose that someone who has less of any particular article (eg houses, bikes, chairs, whatever) than me would necessarily make better decisions than me, or, indeed, someone who had more of any particular item. Perhaps, you have a link to some learned research to suggest otherwise?

I have suspicion that a person who has the means to buy twelve houses is likely to make, or at least has the freedom to make, worse decisions than me since they are largely insulated from the financial consequences of those decisions. Now consider that that person is making decisions on behalf of me and of other people less well off than me.

In a fair and equitable society we should all be able to aspire to be as wealthy as the wealthiest member of that society. Yet this mother is being criticised as if depriving her children of a short holiday would mean that she is able to accumulate the same sort of wealth as a rich banker.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I have suspicion that a person who has the means to buy twelve houses is likely to make, or at least has the freedom to make, worse decisions than me since they are largely insulated from the financial consequences of those decisions. Now consider that that person is making decisions on behalf of me and of other people less well off than me.

In a fair and equitable society we should all be able to aspire to be as wealthy as the wealthiest member of that society. Yet this mother is being criticised as if depriving her children of a short holiday would mean that she is able to accumulate the same sort of wealth as a rich banker.

?? Not by me she isn't. I have haven't criticised her at all. IMHO, she needs education and training, not criticism.

Out of interest, does a "fair and equitable society" stretch only to accumulation of wealth, rather like a game of monopoly, or, are there other things, which, in your opinion, should be aspired to?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
?? Not by me she isn't. I have haven't criticised her at all. IMHO, she needs education and training, not criticism.

Out of interest, does a "fair and equitable society" stretch only to accumulation of wealth, rather like a game of monopoly, or, are there other things, which, in your opinion, should be aspired to?

The game of Monopoly is a warning.

Also, equal rights, justice, democracy, opportunity, education, all that stuff. But you knew that, right?
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