Runners and riders for the Tory Party leadership...

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I have suspicion that a person who has the means to buy twelve houses is likely to make, or at least has the freedom to make, worse decisions than me since they are largely insulated from the financial consequences of those decisions. Now consider that that person is making decisions on behalf of me and of other people less well off than me.

In a fair and equitable society we should all be able to aspire to be as wealthy as the wealthiest member of that society. Yet this mother is being criticised as if depriving her children of a short holiday would mean that she is able to accumulate the same sort of wealth as a rich banker.

The game of Monopoly is a warning.

Also, equal rights, justice, democracy, opportunity, education, all that stuff. But you knew that, right?

Is that "aspire" to, or, "achieve"? There is a significant difference, in my experience.

Wouldn't disagree with your desire for equality list, but, I would be very interested to hear how you think this could be achieved, and, equally important, maintained.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Going camping in a cardboard box and being grateful for it presumably

No, that wasn't on my list.

Surely Education and Training are always desirable and valuable?

Ian H

Legendary Member
I meant Frankenstein's monster style.

There's a cartoon somewhere showing the three wise men (following yonder star, natch). One carries a gold bar, one has a casket of myrrh, and the third is leading a monster, much like the aforementioned Desi Swayne.

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
I've just fallen out with Lidl over a faulty soldering iron, so no, you are not allowed.

Sounds like your biscuit appreciation is in a state of flux.


Über Member
Gracious, harsh but fair.


Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
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