But Multz. They are run by colossal perverts called Miss Snuffy.
No they aren't. Only one school is run by a weirdo self-publicising twit called Miss Snuffy.
Her school was founded by a bunch of utter cùnts, and she has used it as a platform to try and gain celebrity, by using it as a culture war weapon. It didn't work out well for her because she isn't sharp enough (resigned from Chair of Social Mobility Commision).
But that doesn't mean it is a bad school, and it doesn't mean she is wrong about everything. Some of what she says is true; that there is a "soft bigotry of low-expectations" in state education.
Again, I want my children's school to push the local public school into being the place that supplies the plumbers, delivery van drivers etc etc. That isn't going to happen by allowing kids to pîss about.
In broader terms, the privileged minority class is never going to willingly hand over their privilege to the rest of us. It has to be taken from them, aggressively.