Societies (and individuals) thrive on diversity, not homogenisation.
Or deviance and conformity as some would have it.
That is as true as it is untrue.
Societies (and individuals) thrive on diversity, not homogenisation.
Or deviance and conformity as some would have it.
No insult taken and that's a perfectly valid assessment. However, as I pointed out, my brother in law worked in a difficult inner London secondary school before he decided to move to a private school and whilst he does find his new school much easier to teach (fewer very difficult pupils and the ability to escalate problem behaviours in an environment where they can be properly dealt with due to resources being available), the skill set he uses is the same.In that respect, when I talk about "soft skills" I think it is very likely that you won't really be able to conceive of them, because not only are they not in your skill-set, they are never likely to be by way of your personality traits. None of which is either an insult, nor intended to be, but just a reflection on how I perceive you, and in turn how I perceive your perception of the world.
Blazers, ties and jumpers are the only items that need to be bought anywhere other than ASDA
Societies (and individuals) thrive on diversity, not homogenisation.
Or deviance and conformity as some would have it.
Blazers, ties and jumpers are the only items that need to be bought anywhere other than ASDA, but they are also the items least likely to need frequent replacement.
Forgot to say, in response to claud, that in my view expensive items of uniform is a ridiculous notion for any school. Blazers, ties and jumpers are the only items that need to be bought anywhere other than ASDA, but they are also the items least likely to need frequent replacement.
No insult taken and that's a perfectly valid assessment. However, as I pointed out, my brother in law worked in a difficult inner London secondary school before he decided to move to a private school and whilst he does find his new school much easier to teach (fewer very difficult pupils and the ability to escalate problem behaviours in an environment where they can be properly dealt with due to resources being available), the skill set he uses is the same.
Why on earth in the 21st century are we trying to get kids into that completely useless item of clothing, the tie?
Agreed, but if one of those certain things is wearing a tie then I definitely don't like it.Like it or not, we are in Britain still very traditional when it comes to certain things.
I still would not go to a wedding or a funeral with a suit and no tie.
Agreed, but if one of those certain things is wearing a tie then I definitely don't like it.
What about no suit and no tie?
nope, I'd always wear a suit and tie. To me it says "I've made the effort". I even bought a new suit for my Gran's funeral because my others either didn't fit or looked too old.
What about no suit and no tie?
How about just the tie?
Long kipper, natch.