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It's almost as if you've never read Lord of the Flies.

Piggy would have lived if he’d held on to his school tie.


Piggy would have lived if he’d held on to his school tie.

I'm not sure what sort of schools people here went to but it's becoming increasingly clear that Rusty's form tutor was Mr Chips.

My school was a little more like Mad Max, if and when teachers failed to get a grip.
I'm not sure what sort of schools people here went to but it's becoming increasingly clear that Rusty's form tutor was Mr Chips.

My school was a little more like Mad Max, if and when teachers failed to get a grip.

Yeah, I wasn’t serious.

Uniform isn’t the worst thing about schools, but it is emblematic of a lot of what’s wrong and enforcement of petty rules doesn’t fix underlying and more fundamental issues.


Ah.. so there is a TA in every class!! Which means that in a large secondary school with 100 teachers there will be approx 90 TAs (because teachers have 10% of non-contact time ) I had no idea that schools SEN departments would be the largest department by a factor of ten.
TAs are not part of the SEN department. And it's SEND not SEN. A school will have a SENCO, or someone who does that as part of their job.
Equally, EHCPs are incredibly rare. Not even 5% of students will have them. In fact it is 4.3% (I checked)
Yes. Many children are let down in this regard due to chronic underfunding and limitations of SEND budgets put in place by local councils that are themselves going bankrupt.
Your post is, of course, total bollocks.
I bow to your expertise. As I understand it you are a true connoisseur of bollocks.
TAs are not part of the SEN department. And it's SEND not SEN. A school will have a SENCO, or someone who does that as part of their job.

Yes. Many children are let down in this regard due to chronic underfunding and limitations of SEND budgets put in place by local councils that are themselves going bankrupt.

I bow to your expertise. As I understand it you are a true connoisseur of bollocks.



Uniform isn’t the worst thing about schools, but it is emblematic of a lot of what’s wrong and enforcement of petty rules doesn’t fix underlying and more fundamental issues.

We do not live in an ideal world.
Children do not arrive at school gates from ideal families. The people who work within these institutions are not always ideal. Nor are the parents.

Schools are (I hope) trying to do their best under enormously difficult circumstances. If this wasn't the case their wouldn't be a recruitment and retention crisis. If you read the surveys on people leaving teaching it is workload and poor behaviour most frequently cited.

You might think the rules are petty, but that is probably because you don't understand the pragmatism behind them, in the context of the schools we have and the people in them.


And that's why the whole of continental Europe is peppered with the burnt out shells of school buildings where discipline broke down due to the lack of school uniforms.

Do I have to post that report of French schools looking to adopt uniform because of poor behaviour again?

You chose to ignore it last time.



Indeed. For clarity:

TA = Teaching Assistant. An often part time and unqualified role with specific hours and no expectation of overtime.
SEND = Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Used to be SEN until people with Disabilities pointed out that they have a Disability thank you very much.
SENDCO - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator. The poor sod who spends their career trying to get funding and support for the latest child to be shoved into a mainstream placement rather than the special school that the child actually needs.


Indeed. For clarity:

TA = Teaching Assistant. An often part time and unqualified role with specific hours and no expectation of overtime.
SEND = Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Used to be SEN until people with Disabilities pointed out that they have a Disability thank you very much.
SENDCO - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator. The poor sod who spends their career trying to get funding and support for the latest child to be shoved into a mainstream placement rather than the special school that the child actually needs.

Nope. It's SEN

SEND is entirely different. A Special Educational need is not a 'Disability'.
SEND is specifically inclusive of disabilities. SEN and SEND are used interchangeably, with little problem.

TAs are very often part of the SEN department, because they are there not to provide generic assistance to every pupil, but specifically those with SEN.

I'm amazed at the confidence with which you speak, given the bollocks that comes out of your mouth. You know a few buzzwords. But that is about it.
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
I'm not sure what sort of schools people here went to but it's becoming increasingly clear that Rusty's form tutor was Mr Chips.

My school was a little more like Mad Max, if and when teachers failed to get a grip.
We had lots of Mr Chips type teachers in the Valleys in the 50s and 60s.

From memory we didn't have form tutors in my school. I just remember the subject teachers, and I can't remember who took morning registration.

I did go to a grammar school (comps hadn't been invented), but we did have a strict uniform policy and lots of violence from teachers and the headmaster to maintain discipline.

There was even more violence at my junior school.

This was a very long time ago and there were excuses that some of the teachers had had "a very bad war". PTSD hadn't been invented either.


Do I have to post that report of French schools looking to adopt uniform because of poor behaviour again?

You chose to ignore it last time.

Is that the only one you have? Out of a whole continent? I didn't ignore it. Someone else pointed out that the article itself debunked the premise, so I didn't see the point on piling on.
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