Starmer's vision quest

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Senior Member
I live in Scotland and would like independence, meaning I have no need to vote for Tories, Red Tories or Piss Tories, so this is very much a game in which I have no skin. But I am interested.

So - is the calculation amongst the Starmerati that because the man is a demonstrable liar - he lied to get elected leader and, I understand has wiped his arse on every single promise he made in order to get elected - is the calculation that all of his Toryesque pro-Brexit, anti-union, drown-the-refugees, flog-the-NHS, anti-minorities etc etc positions are also lies? That once he gets the keys to No. 10 he'll tear off his waxy, pink Tory skin-mask to reveal his true form - some grim and eldritch Lovecraftesque chimera with the melted features of Karl Marx, Michael Foot, Arthur Scargill and Owen Jones, all swirling, throbbing and pulsating beneath a translucent, oleaginous membrane where his face used to be, as he gleefully nationalises the railways, taxes the obscenely wealthy and pumps vast amounts of money into the NHS and public services?

Just a yes or no answer will do.

I’m moving to Scotland if they get independence.


Ask a different question. I'm not falling for your adumbrations :whistle:
Is the calculation that ... that once he gets the keys to No. 10 ... (he'll enact a more traditionally socialist agenda)..?

Just a yes or no answer will do.

Yes. I think that's the hope and possibly the plan. Get power with fairly modest proposals then garner support for more (relatively) radical policies. Show you're a safe pair of hands first before you make any big changes. Doesn't enthuse the people who want big changes but seems to be the thinking. It would very unambitious of Starmer to get a Labour government in power and then sit out the 5 years just tinkering with minor stuff.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
I live in Scotland and would like independence, meaning I have no need to vote for Tories, Red Tories or Piss Tories, so this is very much a game in which I have no skin. But I am interested.

So - is the calculation amongst the Starmerati that because the man is a demonstrable liar - he lied to get elected leader and, I understand has wiped his arse on every single promise he made in order to get elected - is the calculation that all of his Toryesque pro-Brexit, anti-union, drown-the-refugees, flog-the-NHS, anti-minorities etc etc positions are also lies? That once he gets the keys to No. 10 he'll tear off his waxy, pink Tory skin-mask to reveal his true form - some grim and eldritch Lovecraftesque chimera with the melted features of Karl Marx, Michael Foot, Arthur Scargill and Owen Jones, all swirling, throbbing and pulsating beneath a translucent, oleaginous membrane where his face used to be, as he gleefully nationalises the railways, taxes the obscenely wealthy and pumps vast amounts of money into the NHS and public services?

Just a yes or no answer will do.

Yes................and no.
So the anti-Starmer view on here is that where we are now is as good as it gets? The bland policies and tinkering with the status quo is what we will see from a Starmer government, but nothing more. What would you like to see him do in the next year that would satisfy you, but would still guarantee a Labour win?


Senior Member
The area around Loch Ness is very popular.

Especially with gullible propounders of conspiracy theories.

LOL amazing place but no monsters when I stayed the night there. I observed a few big fish when they came close to the surface and edges in that dark Petey water.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
LOL amazing place but no monsters when I stayed the night there. I observed a few big fish when they came close to the surface and edges in that dark Petey water.

Same here, very atmospheric, somewhat bleak place at times - but no mesozoic beasties.

Nessie, Bigfoot, UFOs, Yeti, Chupacabra, ManBearPig, Scottish Independence... I want to believe. :rolleyes:


Reading around the chip
The Times with the story of how Labour are nearly Tory enough...but not quite there.


There's no way I'm going to read the opinions of a person who looks like this.

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