Yes my bad tried to edit what I wrote,it was a older article from 2022..
Still stands though.How many.of their staff are supplementing their wages with working tax credits on low wages ? No chance of him taking a pay cut ?
We aren't going to be disagreeing ever on the differential between Corp CEO pay and shop floor pay.
But this is not the same issue we were talking about. You were talking about record profits and I brought up the reasons for it in the energy sector, and Labour's plans to tackle it. Then you brought up Tesco, but as I said, their profits have halved. You might be able to find some examples of record profits somewhere, but you'd have to bear in mind that during lockdown many people spent very little money then splurged, so you'd have to factor that in as a potential confounder.
The weird thing is, everybody I know regards me as a raging lefty, so it is mildly amusing that you, Claudine, and that prat Bob, are attempting to cast me as a Tory. I know it's part of the forum game, but funny nevertheless.
We differ in our the way we view the operation of politics in our country, but not necessarily the actual values. You, I think, have an idealistic view of it, whereas I think it is utterly cynical. Unfortunately, we have to operate within that cynicism.