Good word.
Can't remember where I got it from, xkcd or Jesus&Mo. It is a very cromulent word for this purpose.
Good word.
Jess Philips does not impress me. Her words join up a bit too randomly.
I've always found her quite coherent and fair minded. She is one of the few MPs who genuinely seem to work hard for their constituents. Maybe if we had more MPs like Jess Philips, Anna Soubry, Rory Stewart, Ed Milliband, we wouldn't be in quite the pile of shoot we are in now. They often say that the best person to be in charge is the person that doesn't want to be in charge.
Seems it's now official Labour policy to hope Nicola Sturgeon has COVID.
Working with the tories in Scotland, going as far as to suspend 2 councillors for refusing to back the tories against the SNP.Grim, but entirely consistent with their position as expressed by Lisa Nandy, of 'hating' the SNP, and declaring that the independence movement (and by definition Scotland's democratically elected government) should be dealt with in the same way the Catalonian independence movement was.
Banning anyone from the left but welcoming Tories with open arms.
So far ahead in the polls 🙄 Yet he dare not offer anything more than the Tories!
Some vision....
Working with the tories in Scotland, going as far as to suspend 2 councillors for refusing to back the tories against the SNP.
Strangely, the SNP wiped the floor with Labour this year but it seems the democratic will of the Scottish electorate means nothing.
They voted NO against independence, but the SN wont accept that, so you cant then complain about the Democratic will of the Scottish people being ignored....as the SNP are ignoring it themselves
They voted NO against independence, but the SN wont accept that, so you cant then complain about the Democratic will of the Scottish people being ignored....as the SNP are ignoring it themselves
Could you point me to the paragraph in the post-referendum agreement which states that the result was permanent, incontrovertable and could never be re-run, overruled or disputed in any way whatsoever?
Since 2014, the SNP have won every single election in Scotland by a significant margin. They have done so as a party that exists to achieve Scottish independence, and with a manifesto pledge to obtain a second democratic referendum.
Do you think the people who repeatedly elect them somehow misunderstand what they are voting for?