Not really. Their info feed sees to that.
It is like with the BBC where being unbiased means giving curruption uncritical coverage.
The masses have never read the Guardian or have such liked exposure to it their first reaction is that it is all lies.
Similarly in the US they do not see themselves as Hitlers henchmen. Nor even know it as a reference point. And
that sad UK pensioner who died. I do wonder if his sold Brexit dream was just totally lost in the actual reality of it all.
The circulation of the Mail and Express combined is only 1.2 million people. BBC News viewing figures are around 124k, GB News is on numbers like 70k viewers.
Where are the rest of the 70 million UK population getting all their biased info that is leading them astray?
I'm always bemused that people think
(a) everybody else is so thick they assimilate all the headlines without question, whereas only they are intelligent enough to discern the truth.
(b) that every outlet doesn't have an angle or an agender, including The Guardian.