The farkwittery of modern life....

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qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
To be fair, who hasn't thought 'Hmmm... car seems a bit sluggish today' and realised you've driven 100 yards with the handbrake on.

I haven't. This experience of which you speak must be esoteric. Perhaps you could express it in verse?


Master of the Inane Comment
Or you motorbike conks out and you cannot get it to start until you realise you haven't switched the fuel on. :blush:


until you realise you haven't switched the fuel on. :blush:

What a quaint concept!
Again - anyone under 30?

Last time I had a handbrake was about 15 years ago.

I've never had a car without one. At least the one I've got now sounds an alarm though. I actually had a car with an optional starting handle when I started driving in the '80's. 1980's not 1880's, before you start...

Ian H

Legendary Member
You'd be correct in thinking this is indeed a four :okay:

Now don't get me started on the non starting of the twos..

Many years ago I had a delivery job. At one of my customers, the housekeeper always had tea & biscuits ready for me. She regarded me as the fount of all knowledge. When I was young, working on the farm, one of the men would come in and ask for a match to start the tractor. I never knew whether he was joking or serious. I was able to tell her that he probably was serious (see methods of pre-heating old diesel engines).
Another thing she asked (she was ruddy, short, and round) – When I was young [etc] some of the lads used to call me Dexter. I never knew why. I found that one difficult to answer without being too personal.


To be fair, who hasn't thought 'Hmmm... car seems a bit sluggish today' and realised you've driven 100 yards with the handbrake on.


Handbrake left partly engaged, plus a fast dash along the A217, plus knackered seals in rear axle allowing oil to contaminate the braking surfaces = one horrible-smelling smoking pile of British Leyland finest.

Ye Gods, I owned some heaps!


FFS, someone quote my post with how to turn the feature off!

Fab is turning into an NCAP version of Accy Cyclist. Just posting up things that have a simple solution, but turning it into a 36 page thread about him.

Slag him off all you like for his political views, but comparisons to Accy and his endless nonsensical postings is a step to far.
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