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The Crofted Crest

Active Member


Prince Harry absolutely nails Rupert Murdoch and News International.

He’s secured a full apology and admission of illegal activity. Which no other victim has.

Ultimately a very brave move to take the Sun to court.

... and it's been suggested this might open further investigations. (The defendants had previously sworn blind that it was only the NOTW journos who did such dreadful things, by jove!)

Ian H

Legendary Member
... and it's been suggested this might open further investigations. (The defendants had previously sworn blind that it was only the NOTW journos who did such dreadful things, by jove!)

That suggests that the Saxe-Coburgs are not entirely pointless. Though I'm still sceptical.


... and it's been suggested this might open further investigations. (The defendants had previously sworn blind that it was only the NOTW journos who did such dreadful things, by jove!)

I don’t think they will bring charges.
There is no public appetite for it.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Questionable logic surely.

A Liverpudlian friend almost waxed royalist when he heard the news.


One to make @CXRAndy's neuron work overtime. Syrian islamist ärsehole rampage stopped by Syrian delivery driver.

I like the police reluctant praise:

Speaking to reporters, the police spokesperson Rainer Dionisio later said al-Halabi’s actions had played a role in halting the attack. “It was probably a heroic act, yes. It prevented something worse from happening,” he said through gritted teeth.
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