The Good News Only - thread...

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There'd be no resurrection, just a long, ignominious recovery.

Hmm, I'm not sure I can even be bothered to muster up the vindictive peeve to direct thuswards..

Best off ignoring silly chumps such as he.

'Oxygen of publicity' etc etc.

Let's hope no (NHS supplied) oxygen of oxygen needs to be deployed that way either, though ..


Regular AND Goofy
I've not had Covid, and I used Ivermectin (as an ointment for a skin condition before its magical properties were known) in 2019 so Lozza must be right. Stands to reason.
Why has Ivermectin become a dirty word though? As I understand it there is still not enough research to prove it either effective or ineffective, after encouraging initial indications. It is widely used in tropical climates as a preventative for river blindness. It is safe for human use. Just because some nutters advocate it doesn't justify the negative overreaction.


Why has Ivermectin become a dirty word though? As I understand it there is still not enough research to prove it either effective or ineffective, after encouraging initial indications. It is widely used in tropical climates as a preventative for river blindness. It is safe for human use. Just because some nutters advocate it doesn't justify the negative overreaction.
See below. Unfortunately those nutters are buying animal grade Ivermectin. It's not the same as the stuff you get on prescription. They are killing and hospitalising themselves by taking something unsafe, and which has no proven benefit (yet - clinical trials are ongoing).

When Can Taking Ivermectin Be Unsafe?​

The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 in people or animals. Ivermectin has not been shown to be safe or effective for these indications. There’s a lot of misinformation around, and you may have heard that it’s okay to take large doses of ivermectin. It is not okay.
Even the levels of ivermectin for approved human uses can interact with other medications, like blood-thinners. You can also overdose on ivermectin, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension (low blood pressure), allergic reactions (itching and hives), dizziness, ataxia (problems with balance), seizures, coma and even death.

Ivermectin Products for Animals Are Different from Ivermectin Products for People​

For one thing, animal drugs are often highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which weigh a lot more than we do— up to a ton or more. Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans. Moreover, the FDA reviews drugs not just for safety and effectiveness of the active ingredients, but also for the inactive ingredients. Many inactive ingredients found in products for animals aren’t evaluated for use in people. Or they are included in much greater quantity than those used in people. In some cases, we don’t know how those inactive ingredients will affect how ivermectin is absorbed in the human body.


Regular AND Goofy
See below. Unfortunately those nutters are buying animal grade Ivermectin. It's not the same as the stuff you get on prescription. They are killing and hospitalising themselves by taking something unsafe, and which has no proven benefit (yet - clinical trials are ongoing).
Yes, that's why I mentioned nutters. Overdosing on anything, including horse meds, is not clever. The substance itself is not culpable. Perhaps a more responsible public health approach would be to state the safe human dose?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Exactly why I posted it, point proven.
There is a thread about it, but it started out as nonsense and descended into farce.

The good news, as far as I can see it is that the judge appears, by my interpretation, to be at least somewhat sympathetic to the protestors, given his remarks regarding those who glued themselves to the court steps:

The judge said the four people who glued themselves to the steps of the court on Tuesday were not being punished for those actions, but he added that it “does demonstrate their anxiety to continue the protest with which we are dealing today”.​
Also, 'Biff Whipster'? Is that a nom de guerre?


Jack Monroe seems to have persuaded Asda to reinstate their value ranges.

As they said (and this is a new anthem to hope in a fallen world):

....certain people may dismiss those of us who care about social justice and vulnerable people as ‘snowflakes’, but when enough snowflakes come together and move in the same direction, we’re a motherf&cking avalanche.
Oh this is quite heartening - turns out the majority of surveyed public do care, more than just a bit about social justice issues -

Seems the supposed "Common Sense" 'war on woke ' - isn't what the majority want -

A Happy Sunday Evening all :hello:
Sorry to rain on your parade but the ''research'' is done by an organisation that ''The Sheila McKechnie Foundation unleashes civil society’s capacity to create profound, long-term change. We call this capacity social power, and believe it is just as important as political and economic power. '' so it research really says nothing at all. It's a bit the same as Ukip researching Uk, Farage researching farage, a butcher researching it's own meat. But don't ever claim it's the voice of the poeple, because it's lies more lies and statistics nothing more.
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