The NACA Music, Art & General Creativity Thread

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Über Member
If I'm posting on this thread, then I've probably got another song to plug.

Well, yes. Yes I do.


So if I can have a minute of your time - well, eleven minutes, actually - stick this on a big screen & big speakers/headphones, and indulge me. I'm very, very proud of this - possibly the most challenging & involved composition I've been involved in and one of the only ones I can listen back to & not think I could do better.

I fücking love this, & hope you will too. And you know how it goes - if you do, tell your frends, if you don't, tell your enemies.

11 minutes well spent. Thank you.


Legendary Member
So if I can have a minute of your time - well, eleven minutes, actually - stick this on a big screen & big speakers/headphones, and indulge me. I'm very, very proud of this - possibly the most challenging & involved composition I've been involved in and one of the only ones I can listen back to & not think I could do better.
Most excellent. I think you could afford to bring the vocals up a little in the mix and I think there's room for a rocking top line at the end of the chorus which would be cool.
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