But interested enough to use weasel words questioning the figures.
Weasel words hmmmmmm…….provide accurate proven figures and i may look, but you cant, so whats the point in providing drivel.
its only what you used to say about brexiteers providing data to back up their vote
Did I?
Proven evidence that I did?
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” Lewis Carroll.
you got any links to the official deaths during construction work???
Apologies for the insinuation that you might be a weirdo.
!!NEWSFLASH!!Weasel words hmmmmmm…….provide accurate proven figures and i may look, but you cant, so whats the point in providing drivel.
its only what you used to say about brexiteers providing data to back up their vote
A bit different when 'one of your own' admit to doing something you may not agree with.
In first world western countries with strict data laws and a democratic(ish) system, figures can be provided. Despotic religion based countries don't tend to provide data nor do they respond well to freedom of information requests. In fact for many countries such as Quatar, they aren't keen on the "freedom" concept.
So - nobody can provide you with exact figures due to the way in which incidents are concealed from other countries, medical records obfuscated and reporting controlled by the Government.
What we can do is look at figures from countries which do have some level of human rights and keep track of what their nationals are doing. Hence it can be extrapolated from countries such as those mentioned in the Guardian article that many migrant workers died so that people can enjoy the footsieball.
One of my own what?
From the Beeb:
Louis van Gaal* says Dutch fans who are boycotting the World Cup over human rights concern are right to do so but hopes that if his side get to the final on 18 December they will at least watch the game on television.
A survey published in the Netherlands last week said only 14% were interested in following the tournament after years of negative publicity about Qatar.
I doubt if the only people on here admitting to have visited Dubai were me and @jowwy you would have been so quick to apologise.
a "pork" station
LOL Jowwy's a weirdo wherever he goes on holiday, and you're not really weird so much as just crass. @icowden seems a decent sort to me, but anyone's fair game if a Pork Station in the Middle East is one of their holiday requirements. Don't know why you're so touchy over a bit of bantz about people choosing shite places to go on holiday. You're right, tho, inasmuch as I don't ever intend to apologise to Jowwy about anything.