The Queen / The Monarchy

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Funny, you don't seem to have an issue making sure everyone knows what you think about everything.

It's a farking forum you dunce :laugh:

What other point do you think there is to this?

Deleted member 28


(And I very much doubt the Aussies would throw out their own monarchy if they had one; people love this stuff. In fact loads of Aussies, Canadians, etcetc love royalty, they just like being independent more! )

You're (got it this time) not wrong there, we were queuing up to enter a VW show last year and got chatting to a German couple who were over here for the event.

They went on to explain how much they love the Royal family and that they 'knew everything ' about them.


we were queuing up to enter a VW show last year and got chatting to a German couple who were over here for the event.

They went on to explain how much they love the Royal family and that they 'knew everything ' about them.



Make your fu*kin mind up, we either know what you're thinking or we don't?

Thats what happens when you bullsh*t as much as you do, you forget where you're going?

For someone clearly well educated you really are stupid.

Talking of forgetting, this is your post I was replying to...

.Your' still full of sh*t, the sad thing is you think you're impressing people on here.

You are so dim you dont understand the distinction between what you think I think and what I say I think. :laugh:


You're (got it this time) not wrong there, we were queuing up to enter a VW show last year and got chatting to a German couple who were over here for the event.

They went on to explain how much they love the Royal family and that they 'knew everything ' about them.

To be fair though they could be related to the royal family.


Reading around the chip
This entire thread is dedicated to slating the Monarchy

Actually, it started off neutrally, occasioned by the fact that 'Concern for the Queen's Health' was starting to look a bit weird after she'd been dead several weeks. Unfortunately (unless you only move in circles occupied entirely by bootlickers, cap-doffers, curtain twitchers or the actual aristocracy and their minions) threads about the royal family are destined to become disrespectful, on account of their being a bunch of thick, inbred, talentless, self-serving, racist parasites with no legitimate function in a modern society. Sorry.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Actually, it started off neutrally, occasioned by the fact that 'Concern for the Queen's Health' was starting to look a bit weird after she'd been dead several weeks. Unfortunately (unless you only move in circles occupied entirely by bootlickers, cap-doffers, curtain twitchers or the actual aristocracy and their minions) threads about the royal family are destined to become disrespectful, on account of their being a bunch of thick, inbred, talentless, self-serving, racist parasites with no legitimate function in a modern society. Sorry.

Shep almost agrees with you.

...they don't give me a hard on...
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