Why is it weird, because I have a different opinion to you?
Which makes the rest of your post redundant, doesn't it.
Why is it weird, because I have a different opinion to you?
Which makes the rest of your post redundant, doesn't it.
Yes, I was too busy listening to Tchaikovsky piano concertos, whilst sipping Pimms with my best friend, Bunty.
Yes, I was too busy listening to Tchaikovsky piano concertos, whilst sipping Pimms with my best friend, Bunty.
Why is it weird, because I have a different opinion to you?
Would it be weird if I was agreeing with you?
What do you think happens when people 'talk ' face to face and have different opinions, do you think them weird or do you avoid that sort of behaviour in favour of these sorts of echo chambers?
His point is that you don't post your views on the monarchy, you only post your views on others who post about the monarchy.
What are your views on the monarchy, & having a climate-emergency campaigner & ecologist as king?
I'd speculate ( with no factual basis and no inside knowledge) that the reason for the delay in responding to the invite ( responses due by 3 april. Response provided 12 April) was down to M refusing to go and trying to persuade H not to go either. Or alternatively down to H wanting to go and trying to persuade M to go as well.
Effectively I am saying M&H possibly had differing views on this
You should see what those crazy revolution fomenting republicans on 'the other side' are being allowed to say about the whole ridiculous pantomime..I miss the meta-moaning thread we had BITD.
I also realise all the moaning in the world won't change the fact that they exist and will continue to do so well after we've all gone.
Bunty tells me drinking Pimms and listening to overwrought Russians with you is more duty than joy.
Well isn't that ironic... don'cha think?I had to Google that reference. I can't say I've ever knowingly heard a song by her.
Bunty is a dog.
Can I have some of whatever it is you've taken, please.
Bunty says blunting up with me and listening to my King Tubby vinyls is much more her speed.
You've never heard of republicanism, I take it.