The Queen / The Monarchy

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Good luck with that one.

Luck doesn't come into it. Demographics do.

53% of 18-24 year olds want an end to the monarchy. Amongst over 65s this drops to 16%.

What do you think will happen in 20 years time when those 18-24 year olds reach their 40s, and a new generation of 18-24 year old emerge? Do you think the young will, by some miracle, be more invested in the monarchy than their parents?

I think not. And the reasons for this are similar to the reasons for age demographics and brexit vote.
That might be their view but unless a political party offers it as a policy, which seems unlikely, nothing will change massively in the next 50 years. It would also require younger voters to give becoming a republic a higher priority than other things when deciding where to cast their vote. I don't think younger people feel invested in having a monarchy in the way they felt invested in the EU, it's just less of an issue, so I reckon it will be quite a while until it disappears altogether. I do think we'll see a gradual slimming down though, and more countries leaving the commonwealth, starting with Australia.

Deleted member 28

Luck doesn't come into it. Demographics do.

53% of 18-24 year olds want an end to the monarchy. Amongst over 65s this drops to 16%.

What do you think will happen in 20 years time when those 18-24 year olds reach their 40s, and a new generation of 18-24 year old emerge? Do you think the young will, by some miracle, be more invested in the monarchy than their parents?

I think not. And the reasons for this are similar to the reasons for age demographics and brexit vote.

As I said , we'll all be long gone.

I envisage Will and Kate being the most popular Royals in recent times and they aren't even on the throne yet.

How about the 47% that do want a Monarchy, will their children grow up wanting one as well?

I'm sure in years to come the Monarchy will reduce in stature and importance but I doubt very much if the likes of you will be around to witness it so I stand by my original statement, there's very little you can do about it so in the meantime you may as well save yourself a heart attack worrying about it.


There is a determinism in that point of view to which I do not subscribe. The monarchy exist purely through public tolerance and opinion, both of which may change quickly in line with and because of external social changes. See also France 1789. A really bad economic downturn would see them off.

My prediction would be vast change, mostly negative, in my children's lifetimes, as we face national decline and a demographic timebomb, a shift of power and influence away from the US axis to the East, coupled with real impacts, seen and unforeseen, from climate change. That will see the monarchy off too. The monarchy knows this, which is why QE2 spent her time exploiting every last bit of privilege she could.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
The demise of, or, at least, a drastic reduction in size, of the Monarchy would be a good thing, IMHO.

Would that make Harry and/or Megan, more, or, less popular, I wonder?

Deleted member 28

There is a determinism in that point of view to which I do not subscribe. The monarchy exist purely through public tolerance and opinion, both of which may change quickly in line with and because of external social changes. See also France 1789. A really bad economic downturn would see them off.

My prediction would be vast change, mostly negative, in my children's lifetimes, as we face national decline and a demographic timebomb, a shift of power and influence away from the US axis to the East, coupled with real impacts, seen and unforeseen, from climate change. That will see the monarchy off too. The monarchy knows this, which is why QE2 spent her time exploiting every last bit of privilege she could.

I would imagine your kids have far more to concern themeselves with than the Royal Family, unless they're as successful in life as you clearly are and have nothing else worry about.

Either way I doubt you'll be seeing any major changes soon but hey, keep on hating.


I would imagine your kids have far more to concern themeselves with than the Royal Family, unless they're as successful in life as you clearly are and have nothing else worry about.

Either way I doubt you'll be seeing any major changes soon but hey, keep on hating.

You keep ascribing emotions such as "hate", "worry" and "upset".

You mistakenly assume that just because your thought process are driven by emotion rather than logic that so must everybody else's.

Deleted member 28

You keep ascribing emotions such as "hate", "worry" and "upset".

You mistakenly assume that just because your thought process are driven by emotion rather than logic that so must everybody else's.

People on here have openly admitted to 'hating the tories and everyone who votes for them', most on here at very best dislike the Monarchy it seems so isn't that an emotion?

As for being 'upset ', isn't that what you are accusing others of being when you post your silly little pictures of red faced people?

What logic is it that you're applying then?

Your full of sh*t.


Your full of sh*t.


ps. "You're"


That might be their view but unless a political party offers it as a policy, which seems unlikely, nothing will change massively in the next 50 years. It would also require younger voters to give becoming a republic a higher priority than other things when deciding where to cast their vote. I don't think younger people feel invested in having a monarchy in the way they felt invested in the EU, it's just less of an issue, so I reckon it will be quite a while until it disappears altogether. I do think we'll see a gradual slimming down though, and more countries leaving the commonwealth, starting with Australia.


(And I very much doubt the Aussies would throw out their own monarchy if they had one; people love this stuff. In fact loads of Aussies, Canadians, etcetc love royalty, they just like being independent more! )
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