The Queen / The Monarchy

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Deleted member 28

I know right??

Imagine imagining that the existence, or otherwise, of a hereditary monarchy would even cross your mind on your deathbed, let alone cheer, or un-cheer your synapses??

Very peculiar ...

Still, as we know, there's nowt so queer as folk 🤔💃🌈

I would imagine he doesn't really think he'll be about to die and thoughts turn to the Monarchy as I guess your thoughts won't be turning to whatever feminist issue you hold important but you know that really.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
It's not right but neither is it worth dying a ditch to abolish. How it would be replaced, by whom and with what powers would consume a ridiculous amount of time, effort and money.

The Monarch should be a figurehead with no real power. Insofar as they might, in a crisis, have to take action which adversely affects politics then there should be transparent advice and protocols for where such things might occuer. See the Lascelles principles around a disolution.

Various things to do with lobbying and vetoes other the late Queen's estate, finances and interests suggests that undue influence to save her affluence was effected in secret. Parliament etc can stop that without abolishing the whole thing.

That all sounds remarkably reasonable, and, sensible. What is it doing on here? ;)


Have we established officially if the Monarchy costs the country or adds to the economy yet, I saw some figures on here the other day that suggested they actually bought in more than they cost?

If that's the case why the f**k do you care?

If on the other hand you lose money personally from your pocket each month I can fully understand your bitterness, which is it?

There is more to it than money...but, on the subject of money the numbers are somewhat elusive.

In fact, money really is the least of it. The kind of country I want is one where somebody like yourself is not shut out of certain opportunities purely because you grew up on an estate in Wolverhampton. An aristocracy is part of the social structure that perpetuates this.

By way of correction, I am not bitter. This is something you have imagined up all by yourself.

Deleted member 28

There is more to it than money...but, on the subject of money the numbers are somewhat elusive.

In fact, money really is the least of it. The kind of country I want is one where somebody like yourself is not shut out of certain opportunities purely because you grew up on an estate in Wolverhampton. An aristocracy is part of the social structure that perpetuates this.

By way of correction, I am not bitter. This is something you have imagined up all by yourself.

Will you be mortgage free at 55, retired at 55 with a 20k pension?

I'm happy with my opportunity thanks.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
There is more to it than money...but, on the subject of money the numbers are somewhat elusive.

In fact, money really is the least of it. The kind of country I want is one where somebody like yourself is not shut out of certain opportunities purely because you grew up on an estate in Wolverhampton. An aristocracy is part of the social structure that perpetuates this.

By way of correction, I am not bitter. This is something you have imagined up all by yourself.

I am a little mystified as to what these "opportunities" are (other than actually becoming a member of the aristocracy).

I accept that it may be more difficult to aspire to the dizzy heights, if you start from an estate in Wolverhampton (or indeed an estate in South Tyneside), but, it is not impossible.

I do agree that more "equality of opportunity" is highly desirable.

Deleted member 28

I meant to say 60 for retirement, sorry.

As alluded to above, what opportunities have we all missed out on due to this country having a Monarchy?

Some on here live in half a million pound houses with 2 kids in private school, they seem to have a decent opportunity.

I would guess quite a few have gone down the University route and boarding school, have they not had good opportunities?


Will you be mortgage free at 55, retired at 55 with a 20k pension?

I'm happy with my opportunity thanks.

You aren't retired at 55. I think you mentioned 57.

I paid my mortgage off 25 years ago. But to be honest I'm only telling you that to put you back in your box and bring a halt to your pedestrian boasting. It's neither here nor there.

Even though you are a bit if a cöck, I am glad that you are happy, but...had you benefitted from some of the advantages of those in a more socially elevated position you may have had a completely different view of your own personal potential.
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I am a little mystified as to what these "opportunities" are (other than actually becoming a member of the aristocracy).

I accept that it may be more difficult to aspire to the dizzy heights, if you start from an estate in Wolverhampton (or indeed an estate in South Tyneside), but, it is not impossible.

I do agree that more "equality of opportunity" is highly desirable.

I'm pleased you agree with that. I had written you off some months ago, but recently you've been making far more enlightened and thoughtful posts, so I think I misjudged you.

Either that or AndyCXR has just recalibrated the bar :laugh:
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I meant to say 60 for retirement, sorry.

As alluded to above, what opportunities have we all missed out on due to this country having a Monarchy?

Some on here live in half a million pound houses with 2 kids in private school, they seem to have a decent opportunity.

I would guess quite a few have gone down the University route and boarding school, have they not had good opportunities?

The monarchy is the pinnacle of the class system. If it isn't then what is it? It is, by definition entrenched, unmerited privilege. Again, if it isn't then what is it and what is the point of it?

And if the class system doesn't confer advantage, then why does it exist?
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Deleted member 28

The monarchy is the pinnacle of the class system. If it isn't then what is it? It is, by definition entrenched, unmerited privilege. Again, if it isn't then what is it and what is the point of it?

And if the class system doesn't confer advantage, then why does it exist?

As I've asked already, so what, why do you care, are you worse off because of them, will you be better off if they didn't exist, why are you so bothered?

Concentrate on bettering yourself, if you feel the need, you're obviously a well educated fella (I assume a bloke) so concentrate your efforts on having a good time and enjoying life instead of getting all twisted over something you can do f*ck all about.


Master of the Inane Comment
Imagine imagining that the existence, or otherwise, of a hereditary monarchy would even cross your mind on your deathbed, ..
A friend of mine recently quipped on the occasion of his 70th birthday 'the last gown they wrap you up in doesn't have pockets'!


As I've asked already, so what, why do you care, are you worse off because of them, will you be better off if they didn't exist, why are you so bothered?

Concentrate on bettering yourself, if you feel the need, you're obviously a well educated fella (I assume a bloke) so concentrate your efforts on having a good time and enjoying life instead of getting all twisted over something you can do f*ck all about.

Yours is a counsel of despair. I'm a bit more optimistic about pushing for change. I find it weird that you feel constitutional change is impossible, and yet Brexit was exactly this and people such as yourself pushed for it. In fact, Brexit probably had more of an effect on people's lives (purely negative ) than a change to a republic would, at least in the short term.

Maybe your lack of self-regard and your feeling of personal impotence is a symptom of the monarchic class system. You are ground down into the position in society that you are told you have.

I'm surprised that someone with your obvious vigour accepts this so readily. In every other way you come across as a fighter. But faced with people who tell you they are better than you, you lie down.
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Pale Rider

Is it Julia you meant to reply to, because it reads like a riposte to her post? But I guess if you just want to reply to whoever you most enjoy imagining dying in disappointment, then you do you. You are, however, the last person whose opinion I'd ever seek on the subject of Likeability.

Well, like it or not, the Royal Family are liked.

Just a shame you can't explain why

I've explained why several times.

The monarchy exists by public consent.

There is absolutely no sign of that consent being withdrawn.

Quite the reverse, the monarchy remains hugely popular.
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