Exposing us all to your stupidity?
That isn't evidence for Bromp's claim. Thus exposing your trademark stupidity.
You have your answer, it's not going to change.
And we all know why.
So stop these constant personal attacks on my credibility
Interesting choice of word, credibility.
I don't find you credible, which is why I'm asking for you to offer up your credentials. That you won't just begs more questions.
It is weird, and it is stalkerish.
Where on earth do you get off on it
You have decided on a tactic to cast me as behaving irrationally.
In the context of discussions on a forum where you are claiming expertise, and then failing to provide evidence of it (especially in the face of your incessant shítposting) it is entirely rational.
Obviously you are also keen to escape the absolute hiding you got mere days ago with your nasty misogynistic abuse of Claud.
Weren't you after the home addresses of two other posters?
Are you really so thick as to think it was a literal request for their addresses and not a rhetorical device with an implicit direct challenge for them to demonstrate the kindness of which they were accusing me of lacking? Some genius writer you are
Yet more creepy behaviour.
You need to stop it before you get yourself into some proper trouble.
LOL. Call the police, dimwit.
Let us not forget that your and my involvement on this thread started with you claiming that the monarchy has a value, but when challenged could not enunciate those values.
Subjecting what you choose to post publically to scrutiny is not "stalking", you mendacious twit.