The Queen / The Monarchy

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As a journalist friend once told me: "The less they know about how we operate the better."

He was referring to barristers, but 'they' could be anyone, including a weirdo stalker.

A friend had to tell you that. Probably wasn't so relevant working on the Corby Gazette.

Deleted member 28

That is irrelevant

Is it?

I would imagine @Pale Rider knows more about journalism than most on here irrespective of what paper he worked for, which is the point he's making, would you agree a 2nd division football player knows more about (in a professional capacity) football than you or me even though he wasn't playing for a prem team?


Is it?

I would imagine @Pale Rider knows more about journalism than most on here irrespective of what paper he worked for, which is the point he's making, would you agree a 2nd division football player knows more about (in a professional capacity) football than you or me even though he wasn't playing for a prem team?

It's all hot air, Shep. Have you not realised that yet?

The clue is that he boasts about how much he knows, but he never actually tells you what he knows.

Pale Rider

It's all hot air, Shep. Have you not realised that yet?

The clue is that he boasts about how much he knows, but he never actually tells you what he knows.

Give over, what I know would fill the forum.

And don't drag the Corby Gazette into this, excellent paper - I did a couple of stories about weirdo stalkers for them

Time for you to get back to Trumpton, I've heard someone nicked a bag of flour from Windy Miller, and Dai Station has had one of his flowerpots kicked over.

Pale Rider

Further evidence of making great claims which are never substantiated.

Time to shît or get off the potty. For which papers/TV channels did you work?

Listen, I've told you I will not bandy words about my career to a weirdo stalker.

Not least because all the media I've written for would get your usual moronic slagging off.

Further, including freelance contributions I couldn't give an exhaustive list if I wanted to.

Now sod off and go and stalk that council fellow - you might even do some good there.


There are no boasts, idiot.

Of course there aren't :laugh:

Give over, what I know would fill the forum.

Pale Rider

Of course there aren't :laugh:

If you spent 30 years doing a job, how many pages do you think you could write about it?

It's a simple statement of fact.

Heck, you could write a fair old wedge about your weird stalking of me.

That's certainly nothing to boast about.


Quantity is not the same as quality, hence asking you for a precis of your resumé.

Certainly your analytical skills are lacking, and you can't even keep track of your own arguments let alone somebody else's, so I'm doubtful that much of an intellect is there. This would preclude any decent career in journalism.

Local journalism seems about your level, and the more you refuse to clarify, the more I know I've hit the mark.

By the way, replying to an idiot on a forum isn't stalking. It's replying to an idiot on a forum.

Pale Rider


Exposing us all to your stupidity?

You have your answer, it's not going to change.

So stop these constant personal attacks on my credibility.

It is weird, and it is stalkerish.

Where on earth do you get off on it?

Weren't you after the home addresses of two other posters?

Yet more creepy behaviour.

You need to stop it before you get yourself into some proper trouble.


Exposing us all to your stupidity?

That isn't evidence for Bromp's claim. Thus exposing your trademark stupidity.

You have your answer, it's not going to change.

And we all know why.

So stop these constant personal attacks on my credibility

Interesting choice of word, credibility.

I don't find you credible, which is why I'm asking for you to offer up your credentials. That you won't just begs more questions.

It is weird, and it is stalkerish.

Where on earth do you get off on it

You have decided on a tactic to cast me as behaving irrationally.

In the context of discussions on a forum where you are claiming expertise, and then failing to provide evidence of it (especially in the face of your incessant shítposting) it is entirely rational.

Obviously you are also keen to escape the absolute hiding you got mere days ago with your nasty misogynistic abuse of Claud.

Weren't you after the home addresses of two other posters?

Are you really so thick as to think it was a literal request for their addresses and not a rhetorical device with an implicit direct challenge for them to demonstrate the kindness of which they were accusing me of lacking? Some genius writer you are :laugh:

Yet more creepy behaviour.

You need to stop it before you get yourself into some proper trouble.

LOL. Call the police, dimwit.

Let us not forget that your and my involvement on this thread started with you claiming that the monarchy has a value, but when challenged could not enunciate those values.

Subjecting what you choose to post publically to scrutiny is not "stalking", you mendacious twit.
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