There was some commentary somewhere around these parts recently about how when you get far enough to the left or far enough to the right politically, you can start to look quite similar. But, judged by the sample of left-wingers and right-wingers presented to us here, I think there's one pretty clear difference: it's only the right-wingers who take pride in closing their minds to learning from other people.
A bit like this??
What's your issue here?
The whole thread is about gender neutral descriptions for job roles and the fact it might hold people back, Doctor, Astronaut were 2 examples given in this very thread, someone else then went on to say something about 'being disrespectful' to the service or something, and someone else thinking it 'unnecessary' to use the description.
I disagree and think it's boll0x, there's no knicker twisting involved.
Next time you disagree with an opinion I'll ask you about your underwear situation at the time if you like?
You're not in the group that is being discriminated against by use of outdated language though are you..??
As someone who has been gender discriminated against in my job , I can tell you that it's very wearing, it's no one thing that's said necessarily, it's just frequentl repetition of the same old stereotypical tropes.
I chose to rise above it, and nowadays, no one gets to question my abilities , or right to be here, doing this..
But why should I have had to put in the extra effort do that, in the first place??
On top of just doing my job competently.
The same kind discrimination puts some people off from trying things at all, because they fear they 'wont fit in'.
Or they don't see 'people like them' doing those things.
Or else they convince themselves that they have to be outstanding at all of it , to represent their group as a whole.
It's exhausting, and holds people back in so many ways
A tiny amount of thoughtfulness, and adjustment of words , could remedy a lot.
But that would require some effort , right,??