These Covid Polices Are Going Well .....

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Master of the Inane Comment
When you say “here”, do you mean UK, or, Germany

Ok. That doesn’t surprise me really, a country of rule followers vs a country of rule breakers.
Yes Germany. There may be some truth in the Germans obeying rules more than the British but it is also true a significantly higher number have fallen for fake news and refused to be vaccinated.

An attempt to make vaccination compulsory failed.

I still skim read the daily covid update on the way to checking the weather, and there is still concern about a new wave in the winter. Masking might come back but most of the population have other concerns now with rocketing energy costs and a slow response to this by the govt.


Über Member
''We've got, we've bought, the Moderna, which protects you against both covid and flu, which is a good thing, so get that boost in place but be sensible about these things....''

I heard about this via Twitter. Zahawi, formerly minister in charge of vaccine procurement, spoke the above words on Sunday's (9/10/22) Laura Kuenssberg's BBC programme. How the feckity feck can the person responsible for vaccines get this so wrong? Does he not know that the ''bivalent'' character of Moderna's vaccine is that it's designed to protect against early and recent strains of coronavirus and has diddly squat to do with (rhinovirus) flu? It's either dangerous incompetence or a simple inability to tell the truth. Unchallenged by LK, of course.

So, let's be sensible about these things - do not listen to a word this liar/idiot (delete as appropriate) says. (55minutes in)


Über Member
''We've got, we've bought, the Moderna, which protects you against both covid and flu, which is a good thing, so get that boost in place but be sensible about these things....''

I heard about this via Twitter. Zahawi, formerly minister in charge of vaccine procurement, spoke the above words on Sunday's (9/10/22) Laura Kuenssberg's BBC programme. How the feckity feck can the person responsible for vaccines get this so wrong? Does he not know that the ''bivalent'' character of Moderna's vaccine is that it's designed to protect against early and recent strains of coronavirus and has diddly squat to do with (rhinovirus) flu? It's either dangerous incompetence or a simple inability to tell the truth. Unchallenged by LK, of course.

So, let's be sensible about these things - do not listen to a word this liar/idiot (delete as appropriate) says. (55minutes in)

30 hours it took him to set the record straight. Twat.


Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
As you know I’m Open minded & try to be a truth seeker but this article doesn’t add up to me. I know a few who believe every word & they’re fanatical about it. Can someone who’s a good data analyst browse through and call B.S or not please.

Just read as far as the second sentence. Whoever wrote that either hasn't proof read it or doesn't understand simple English.
In either case I very much doubt their understanding of statistics is any better so I'm out.


As you know I’m Open minded & try to be a truth seeker but this article doesn’t add up to me. I know a few who believe every word & they’re fanatical about it. Can someone who’s a good data analyst browse through and call B.S or not please.
Reporting for duty Sir!

A quick browse of the article shows that the conclusions being drawn are failing to take things into account and/or drawing incorrect conclusions.
As an example, let's look at "9 in every 10 covid-19 deaths in 2022 have been among the vaccinated population". This is true. However what it does not take into account is that if you have a very high vaccination rate, then this is quite likely, and the people dying now as before tend to be the most vulnerable and sick people, people with multiple co-morbidities etc. Also at the start, those likely to die of Covid were going to die of Covid first. The graph only shows January to May despite the fact that the data extracted ran from Jan 2021 to May 2022 which means that they have likely added data from 2 years together.

However none of the data proves the central thesis that COVID-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation. Yes, the death rate is higher thanks to Covid, but the birth rate has been dropping off anyway in many countries. There is no causal link despite the article trying to make one.

You will notice that "we" the people writing the article give no information about themselves at all. The article also seems to link to a complete copy at which I think may be related to "The expose" - a "news" site banned multple times for spreading conspiracy theories.é


Reading around the chip
30 hours it took him to set the record straight. Twat.




Ian H

Legendary Member
As you know I’m Open minded & try to be a truth seeker but this article doesn’t add up to me. I know a few who believe every word & they’re fanatical about it. Can someone who’s a good data analyst browse through and call B.S or not please.
First things first - check the provenance of the website. Where is the 'about' link, telling who they are, what their mission is, anything at all about them? Then you can look at the weird headlines. You could note that all the stories appear to be by 'Lori-B', whoever they are. Without wishing to be too dismissive, it is utter bollocks.
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