These Covid Polices Are Going Well .....

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This is quite alarming

Are you (and is he) confusing the general benefits of mass vaccination with a specific (untested) ability to infect others?


We’ve been infecting each other with or without, as I’ve seen with my own eyes.
Yes, but it's about degrees.

Let's go back to the Aussie explainer...

This was with face masks.
Man A is naked and pissing everywhere. Man B is naked and gets soaked legs.
Man A is naked and pissing everywhere. Man B is wearing trousers and so has wet trousers
Man B is wearing trousers and pissing himself. Man B is unaffected.

We are now back to no face masks but do have vaccinations.
Man A is naked and pissing everywhere but less frequently, and often not pissing at all.
Man B now has waterproof skin.

So yes, people with Covid Vaccinations still spread Covid, but not as much, particularly as they are not likely to be as ill, and many will not be infected because they are vaccinated. Thus vaccination does reduce the spread of infection. That said, the vaccinations were designed and tested for protection, not to prevent transmission. The point of vaccination is to reduce pressure on hospital beds by reducing the severity of the infection or to prevent it entirely in many cases.
Nine who?



Well-Known Member

This seems to me not to be direct misinformation, but misleading through the interpretation of the question and answer by the MEP.

His first assertion was

"At the time of introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus"

Now, this isn't exactly what the Pfizer director said, but I will come onto that later.

The important part of his first statement is highlighted in bold. Is this true? Probably. At the time of introduction, vaccine development was moving at a pace never seen before, and the key aim was not transmission reduction, but to reduce the numbers of people experiencing severe or fatal reactions to catching covid, plus - I assume - ensuring the vaccine was safe. I imagine that the speed with which the vaccines were needed meant studies into transmission reduction which would necessitate lengthy large trials were not possible. Hence, at the time of introduction, the capabilities of the vaccine in relation to transmission were not so well understood. I remember this clearly at the introduction of the vaccine - there was a lot written in the press about the fact it might not reduce transmission.

Now back to the nuance of what the MEP said against the actual response. She states "regarding knowledge about stopping immunisation before it entered the market...". This is a pretty clumsy sentence, but this is not the same as saying it had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus. Tests may have been done, but were not comprehensive enough to know with a high degree of certainty at the time it entered the market how efficient it was at stopping transmission.

Anyway, the real misleading part is that this question related to when the vaccines were introduced. But we are now a year or two on from vaccine introduction and the COVID vaccines have had a lot of studies. Like this one reported in Nature. Which showed significant reductions in transmission with vaccination with the Omicron variant. Or this one by Public Heath England which concluded

In addition to the direct effects of preventing cases and reducing severity, we have shown that both the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 vaccines are associated with reduced likelihood of household transmission by 40-50% from individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 after vaccination, highlighting important wider benefits to close contacts.

Finally, the way that the PFizer director's response was cut makes me suspicious. It was in mid-sentence. What did she say next? Maybe something that related to the transmission studies done subsequent to vaccine introduction? Who knows?

In any case, the conclusion the MEP draws is deeply flawed. His reasoning is that the promotion of having the vaccine "for the benefit of others" is "a myth". But that is a conclusion drawn from data that was available at the point in time the vaccine was introduced. Not now, with the benefit of all the subsequent studies.


Senior Member
My club mate Pete is a senior A&E nurse. A guy came in with Covid. It was a friend of 40 years. He later died despite having 4 jabs.
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