Yep. The issue then was that it was an unknown and there was no vaccine. It had the potential to overwhelm the health service due to the need for ventilation and oxygen. The issue now for the Chinese is that there are effective vaccines, many of the most vulnerable have died and the rest of the world is no longer locking down but living with the virus. Therefore Chinese citizens see these continued severe lockdowns as pointless and restricting their freedom. Remember that they are not being "asked" to stay in their homes, they just get locked into wherever without provision.
You have to remember that the public Chinese healthcare system is essentially shoot and will collapse quickly if an outbreak really takes hold.
Also, the Chinese made vaccines are not as effective as the Chinese have been told, Sinovac and Sinopharm, the 2 main ones, only have an efficacy rate of approx. 75%, about 15-20% approx. lower than the Western made vaccines. The western vaccines are not available in China, unsurprsingly. The CCP are playing nationalistic politics with vaccines and Omicron has caught them out.
I've no idea what the heavily censored Chinese media are telling people about what's going on outside China but I think it won't be the full picture.