Are the old newspapers really so ignorant as to the workings of social media in the 21st century?
No doubt you are trying to make an anti-newspaper point, but the short answer is 'yes'.
In 30+ years I've seen all manner of resistance, including strikes, to the introduction of new technologies which were obviously going to revolutionise publishing.
Journalists generally were technological Luddites, so any change had to be forced.
That is changing now, but there are plenty of people who are still well ahead of the mainstream media when it come to social media and online publishing.
I suspect that's due to the difficulty of making any money from it - most attempts at charging a subscription have failed miserably.
The ingrained notion that all stuff on the internet is 'free' is proving a hard one to get over.
Ah - so your test of public interest is "Was Claud the source?" This surprises me, I must admit.
WTF are you on about?
I was merely giving Claud the credit for bringing to my attention a good story that I might not have otherwise spotted - depending on whether other media follows it.
The question remains, should Wootton have been named by Byline Times?