Some people have parents of different heritages and hence can claim more than one heritage themselves. Whoda thunk it
Some people have parents of different heritages and hence can claim more than one heritage themselves.
Have you seen the clips of her changing her accent depending which audience she is in front of.
This is well-known a linguistic phenomenon which affects everyone to varying degrees. It’s called accommodation.
No, it's called playing the audience.
Once your accent is set, you don't switch it on and off for regional variations.
Takes a long period to adopt a different accent. I know this because my sister lives in the USA,has done for 40 years. Even though she talks like an American, she still has her British accent
She uses phrases Americans use, but does it in an English accent.When you say she talks like an American, what do you mean?
No, it's called playing the audience.
Once your accent is set, you don't switch it on and off for regional variations.
Takes a long period to adopt a different accent. I know this because my sister lives in the USA,has done for 40 years. Even though she talks like an American, she still has her British accent
She uses phrases Americans use, but does it in an English accent.
Okay, that’s common. It’s also part of the linguistic phenomenon I referred to above: accommodation.
Yep. I'm terrible for it. My accent and linguistics change in seconds without me realising that I'm doing it.
Some people have parents of different heritages and hence can claim more than one heritage themselves. Whoda thunk it