USA Midterms....

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Neither of these two candidates is a sound choice to be president for the next four years, and it is doubtful that Biden could last that long, but the US is a very strange place, and the country and the rest of the world will just have to keep their fingers crossed.
To be fair, America voted for Regan to have a second term despite his deteriorating mental health which was later revealed to be the onset of Alzheimer's.

The concern this time around is that the supreme court have just ruled that the President is above the law, which is very dangerous if Trump gets in. The last guy with that sort of power was a chap by the name of Adolf.


The difference from Biden to Trump is that it is far harder to detect in Trump. His trademark lies have been his deflection strategy for years.

Trump wins and Poland, Hungary and a fair few other countries will get forced into the Russian block. China also gets Taiwan.

All uphill

Well-Known Member
The difference from Biden to Trump is that it is far harder to detect in Trump. His trademark lies have been his deflection strategy for years.

Trump wins and Poland, Hungary and a fair few other countries will get forced into the Russian block. China also gets Taiwan.

And the US takes a big step towards what? Autocracy?


Senior Member
Sounds like he does have some sort of problem

I presume his doctors have checked him out for obvious stuff like diabetes and everything else

but whatever it is - for the sake of the country he should probably stand down for the election
although I have no idea who should take his place

I do not think the USA is ready form a non-white female President yet
some areas would welcome or be OK with her - but I feel that she would loose too many votes because of her skin and gender
it is too close anyway


This is the level of debate in the US, they are fücked, and by extension everyone else too
The US public school system is terrible. Chock full of ideologies from both left and right. Schools are mostly only accountable to local elected school boards, which again are open to the influence of activists from both left and right wing, and from religious groups.

Teacher's pay varies and in some states they are expected to buy stuff like crayons out of their salary. I know we moan about our schools and Ofsted but at least there's a coherent system in place. The US education, and justice system for that matter, is so ill managed and partisan, you can't see how they could even start getting it in order.


In the UK public schools is much about game playing.

Thus Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage taking the gullible along for a ride.

Deleted member 159


Biden: I will only step down if I’m told I can’t win​

You can't win Joe


The US public school system is terrible. Chock full of ideologies from both left and right. Schools are mostly only accountable to local elected school boards, which again are open to the influence of activists from both left and right wing, and from religious groups.

Teacher's pay varies and in some states they are expected to buy stuff like crayons out of their salary. I know we moan about our schools and Ofsted but at least there's a coherent system in place. The US education, and justice system for that matter, is so ill managed and partisan, you can't see how they could even start getting it in order.

I have a British friend who lives in up state New York. It’s a very affluent community where most people in UK would send their kids to private school. But he doesn’t need to.

He says that in affluent communities schools are fantastic, really well funded through local taxation and topped up via parental donations for first class sports facilities.

The problem is that in deprived areas the schools are awful. There is no local funding and no parental donations. So there is a perpetual improvement in the rich areas and a constant decline in the poor areas.

There is no levelling up agenda.
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Trump has been rushed off stage in Pennsylvania.
I seems to have been a possible assassination attempt?

but it’s all very confusing at the moment.
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