War with Russia

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Master of the Inane Comment

What is coming out of the woodwork here is that successive governments including Merkel were warned of Putin's increasingly unveiled intentions regarding the Ukraine and simply disregarded them, preferring trade and making money. Similar to the greed of the City of London. Desire for money really is the root of all sorts of evil.

I recently saw footage of Trump in 2018 warning the Germans in no uncertain terms they were getting completely dependent on Russian energy supplies, and in the background you could see the foreign minister Maas and his team laughing at this. Well, to coin a phrase, they aren't laughing now.


As championed by racist antivax homophobic nobber Laurence Fox...

I see Maajid Niwaz as well, lol a known liar and peddler of misinformation as well.


I see Maajid Niwaz as well, lol a known liar and peddler of misinformation as well.
I agree He doesn’t seem able to maintain a coherent belief in anything.
He was recently sacked by LBC for his stance on vaccinations. This rants had become increasingly unhinged as the pandemic progressed.


Master of the Inane Comment
Effectively Russia admitting defeat over invasion of Ukraine and moves goalposts in a face-saving exercise to securing Donbas, Donetz and Crimea.
That's possible, but with the record of Russian lying it might be a trick to get the Ukraine and/or the West to take their eyes off Kiev or some other area Russia wants to attack.


Senior Member
How can anyone believe a single word the BBC says? Of course Russia will take the Eastern regions no matter what. Putin hadn’t committed enough forces to take over a huge country. That was never the plan.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
How can anyone believe a single word the BBC says? Of course Russia will take the Eastern regions no matter what. Putin hadn’t committed enough forces to take over a huge country. That was never the plan.
I stopped giving any credence to your pronouncements on tactics in Ukraine since these:

Putins commanders are amazing though which is why it’s so weird that not much is happening right now.

I know we don’t want to believe it’s true but Russian generals are very clever.


Maajid blocked me on Twitter for suggesting he was 'thin-skinned'.

Plutonium-enriched irony.

He blocked me ages ago, he said only 17k people died from Covid as anyone with a pre-existing condition who died didn’t count.

I said the list of conditions on your list for exclusions includes connective tissue damage, how does a knee injury affect my ability to fight off a respiratory illness.

The guys full of it.


Senior Member
Not meant as a joke. The quotes are real and your claims have been proven to be wrong. TBF it does show you know as little as any of us on Russian military matters.
It’s you who doesn’t know any of the countries history. You don’t know about all the corruption and atrocities on both sides. The Ukraine has been destroyed by a small Russian force who have clearly had poor intel. They have been badly lead from the start. Putin is an alpha male who bring things up another level if he needs.
I spends hours watching documentaries & reading books about military matters and history. It’s people like you who go off the bbc & other main stream media outlets forgetting what they reported in 2014.
If you know things then you can change my mind with open dialogue without been bitchy. When people can admit they were wrong it’s a sign of intelligence. We already have around 17 million people who won’t admit Brexit was a poor choice.
Anyway nobody knows what will happen in the end, I’d like to know your opinion though?
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