So we now know how you conduct your life, and many will find that admirable, so I presume my choice to do what I do doesn't meet with your approval?
You don't think I should own a camper or a motorcycle or a scooter and do the things I enjoy?
A simple yes or no will do.
Why do you even want to know what NH thinks of your life choices.?
You've repeatedly stated you care not a jot* for anyone elses opinion on here.
So why bother to enquire,??
that bored ??
*Except you choose to be far ruder, and more deliberately ignorant than that.
Most of us come up against rude and ignorant people in our regular lives.
You're not big or clever in being those things - it's fairly routine boorishness
This doesn't say whether you think I should be able to do what I enjoy though does it?
You're simply saying if It cost me more I may choose not to, you can't say what you really think because you know either most people do the same as me or you know how ridiculous your views are.
Ever considered it's not all about you, and what you do .
Plus see above. ??
Have you seriously never come across the concept of system change ??
People trying to bring about system change, for the sake of combatting climate change
still have to exist in this world as it is, even as they try to bring about change in the way of doing things.
They'll do their best, but it's often a lot more more expensive and trouble to do 'the right thing' even if they want to, so they often have to compromise, in the situation as it is.
But they can still campaign for change.
It's not hypocrisy, it's because things have been set up for decades to give the oil companies free rein to exploit, pollute and profit, they make vast profits at ours, and the planets expense.
Doing different often become very difficult.
Unless they're lucky to have good affordable public transport, right by them or are very well off.
Now of course I fully expect you to post some Zzzz emojii to demonstrate how little you really are interested in this topic.
If you were
genuinely interested in learning, or hearing other opinions you wouldn't use such a belligerent, or aggressive approach.