I Didn't think "in your opinion should I ride my motorcycle/scooter or drive my camper for leisure purposes ? " was a difficult thing to answer.
You think that's a comlex question?
Yes, it's a complex question.
From a libertarian viewpoint you should be able to do whatever you want to do. However, we then have to consider whether we take a moral or immoral libertarian view. From a moral libertarian view, you should be able to do whatever you want provided that it does not infringe the rights of others or cause detriment to society.
From the immoral libertarian viewpoint then yes, drive your motorbike or camper for leisure whenever you like. However from the moral libertarian point of view then perhaps you should consider *not* driving your motorbike just for the sake of it, or your camper van, but only when really needed. Maybe consider that the cost to the environment and of running the things may soon be an issue.
Then we have all of the variables that are unknown. Is your motorbike modified to have an extra loud exhaust, and emit twice as many fumes as needed? Is your motorbike electric and not emitting fumes at all? Is your camper van modern and fitted with a catalytic converter, or is it an ancient 1960s VW that emits half of the fuel that you put in it and stinks up the highways?
So yes, you question is complex, because society is complex, and because the world is a complex place.
That said, it may soon become a moot point as you may not have enough diesel rations / money to pay the electric / diesel / petrol bill to be able to do anything at all with your motorbike and camper van other than enjoy them as works of art.
I drive a diesel but am switching to electric (not quickly enough for my liking but there are global supply issues). That said, I am wondering if I will end up paying for something to sit on my driveway as we all cycle to work / school. For me, it won't affect me too much.
For my in-laws for example there is a bigger impact. They live in the New Forest but travel up once a week for work and to see their grandchildren. That may become a lot more unaffordable. Luckily there is a train service that *might* make it more affordable, but only if the idiots running the country actually subsidise train fares (although the OAP railcards help).