Good post ... now for the inevitable 'however' ...Abbott's letter was undeniably pretty dire, even to those of us who like and admire Abbott and defend her right to voice opinions about race and racism without being tone-policed by idiots like Baddiel and piled on by various architects of our own Hostile Environment. You'd have thought that writing a letter to the editor, with some likelihood of it being published on account of who you are, was the sort of context in which you might choose your words with care. Nevertheless it's quite obviously not the only context that matters here. Others include Abbott's status as the nation's most racially-abused mainstream politician, the absolute gall of Starmer's overtly racist Labour party in assuming any authority to adjudicate on such matters, weaponization of anti-Semitism in the Labour Right's war on the Left and the authoritarianism that it has ushered in, the content of the article she was responding to (has anyone even mentioned that?) and Owolade's output more generally and its rather subtle pushback against growing anti-racist consciousness.
I actually haven't seen Owalade's comment that she was responding to, and maybe I should visit that. However, I remember seeing Whoopi Goldberg on British TV not so long ago asserting that 'anti-Semitism is not racism because it's white on white'. I face-palmed then. That incident drew plenty of media attention and rightly so. Abbott pretty much repeated the mistake, which I feel was astonishing. Owolade's comment may be one context, it isn't the only context.
We become the sum of our experiences. Abbott's experience of abuse has been relentless from mostly white men ranting towards her, a black woman - that hurt and vulnerability is going to place her thoughts firmly to the front of her mind. Some might say it became an easy mistake to make, and perhaps it was, but it has proven a politically damaging one, and one she should have been alert to.